Monday, October 31, 2016

The Rocky Horror Picture Show: Let's Do the Time Warp Again

This film follows sweethearts Janet and Brad, who stumble upon Dr. Frank-N-Furter's bizarre abode. Frank-N-Furter, a sexually ambiguous, flirtatious alien mad scientist, is holding an annual, Transylvanian science convention to showcase the birth of "Rocky Horror" - a fit, attractive man created solely to fulfill Frank's desires. 

This was a really great film that managed to keep a lot of similar ideas of the original while updating some moments here and there. I have never actually seen the original movie I mostly just listened to the soundtrack and fell in love with the musical that way, but when I saw that they were making a remake of the movie I was really excited, and when I saw the cast list I was even more excited. The character of Riff Raff I didn't much care for his voice because I'm so used to the character having this really creepy singing voice so when the version in this film came out singing in a really rock and roll voice I really liked it but it still seemed really off to me from what I'm used to. But besides that, all the songs were done really well and each of the characters was really well done in there costumes and acting. The way some scenes were shown was a little too jumpy for my taste like when they had the whole dinner scene everything just moved around a bit too much. Overall This was a really great film and it had so many funny moments to it and I just really loved it.   

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Once Upon a Time Season 6 Episode 6 "Dark Waters" Review

The Evil Queen creates distrust between Henry and Hook; Hook is kidnapped by Captain Nemo and held inside his famous submarine, the Nautilus.

This was a very interesting episode that was a little confusing at parts, but it did a really great job at having a pretty solid story. The whole plot of having this anger between Henry and Hook seemed to come out of nowhere in my mind even with the help of the Evil Queen talking to Henry before all the conflict started. It just seemed really odd to me that they had all this anger and conflict between each other and the idea of Hook coming and joining the family and it was only really brought up right now in this episode, that just doesn't work out right in my mind. I really loved them bringing Captain Nemo into the story but I really wish they could have explored his story a bit more then what this episode did because it is such a great story. But instead they connected back some of the loose strings of Hook's story which was still a good idea and I enjoy how they went about bringing Leam 2 back into the story, but I still really wanted more of Nemo.Then don't get why Henry and Hook thought that the idea of keeping the shears was bad because I completely understand why you would want to keep it because when the time comes and there are no other options you can cut her from her fate.      The scene where Snow and Charming went in and broke Jiminy out of Zelena's house was really great but what are they going to do now that Jiminy is a cricket again. Then all the things with Belle, Gold, and the Evil Queen were really interesting and some parts I was not expecting and I can't wait to see what might happen between all of them in the future. Overall this was a really great episode and I can't wait for more.  

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Pure Genius Season 1 Episode 1 "Pilot" Review

Dr. Walter Wallace, an experienced surgeon with a contentious past, is enlisted by James Bell, a Silicon Valley tech titan, to run his state-of-the-art hospital.

This was a really great first episode that wasn't all that exciting because basically, every part of this first episode was in the trailer for the series so nothing was all that exciting or new but it was still really interesting to see it all play out. I really like seeing the story behind the patient who was pregnant and had cancer, this episode did a really good job with that plot by having the truth be slowly reviled to us and turning the story towards something that I was not expecting. Then watching everything unfold with that plot and seeing the really good turn of events where everything actually turned out okay for her I really loved. All the characters are still really new in my mind so it is hard for me to have a full opinion on them because they don't go into great detail of each of the hospital staff, but with what I've seen of them so far I enjoy watching each of them in their own different way. The design of all the tech and the way everything was shown was really great and well organized. This show did a great job at not prioritizing one of the patient's stories over any of the others that were shown each of the stories got there own little time to shine. Overall I really liked this episode and I can't wait to see what they might do in the episodes to come.     

American Horror Story Roanoke Episode 7 "Chapter 7" Review

In the second installment of Return to Roanoke as the blood moon rises the members inside the house start to feel the growing presence of danger.

This was a really great episode the took out a lot of things in just one episode which was really shocking to me. I was really wrong about Shelby lasting because he barely made it 5 minutes in this episode , but that was still really cool to see that the members of the house are now truly on their own and have no one looking out for them or coming to help. I did really like all the moments with the group of girls being out in the woods and just having them stumble upon terrible thing after terrible thing. Everything with them was done really well in my opinion and it did have some really annoying shaky camera moments here and there but for me there acting jobs kind of made up for that. It was also really cool that in this episode they finally started to introduce us to the real ghosts that Shelby, Matt, and Lee had to deal with and I loved seeing just how terrifying these ghosts were and it was just really nice to see. I did also like the butcher actress in this episode because she was just crazy and really did the most amount of damage in this episode and in some really brutal ways. Then I was really surprised by Shelby in this episode and I can't wait for the next episode to see what might happen to her. I really want to see more of the witch and see what the witch is really like. Overall I have to say I really enjoyed this episode and I can't wait for more.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Arrow Season 5 Episode 4 "Penance" Review

Oliver and Lyla team up on a secret mission for Diggle. Felicity finds out and disapproves of the plan and opts to stay behind. When Tobias Church launches a deadly assault against the city, Felicity must decide if she wants to send the recruits out sans the Green Arrow.

This was a really great and entertaining episode that had some really great moment to it. Going into this episode I thought it would be all about Oliver going in and breaking Diggle out, which was a part of it but this episode was also so much more. Loved seeing the new Team Arrow working together without Oliver and seeing them in real action their fight scenes were done so well and it was nice to see them do a good job but also not be perfect at it because they are still learning and figuring things out. All the moments with Rory and Felicity in this episode were really great and it was so nice to see them figure out that they should be working together to get over their grief instead of not wanting to see each other because of the pain. Then I liked seeing all the scenes with Oliver breaking out Diggle, but it was a little odd to me seeing how willing Diggle was to follow hi after only one pep talk. And then once Diggle was out he kind of just switched back to being his normal self which for some reason it felt really odd to me. Then the briefcase that Lance was bringing into the evidence room was a little weird scene to me because I feel they should have checked inside the case and seen that maybe the thing could be used as an explosive device. Or at least have the guard notice Church and his group hanging around outside of the station waiting for them to bring the briefcase inside to me that seems like that would be kind of a suspicious thing. Overall I really enjoyed this episode and I can’t wait for more.     

Code Black Season 2 Episode 4 "Demons and Angels" Review

On Halloween night, Willis, Noa, and Elliott rush to the scene of a fire at a haunted theater, where Dr. Nolan and her boyfriend's son are trapped.

This was a really great episode that going into it I had no idea what was going happen and the episode was a bit of a surprise and really entertaining. The beginning of this episode was really great with Angus walking in on his father and Campbell talking about working on Mike behind Angus's back. But seeing Angus stand up for his brother and reminding them that he is the one who makes the final decision on his brother's health was really cool to see and I enjoyed it so much. The all the moments in the haunted house were really great at not being too long and kind of always keeping me on edge and not really knowing what might happen next. But it was a little hard to care about the doctor and kid as much as they were kind of putting out there because they were only introduced in this one episode so I didn't know much about them to care about them all that much. Noa and Elliott's patient was a little weird to me with how it was shown because it was at such random moments and in the for such little amounts of time that I found it hard to understand what was going on with them. Then Campbell's turn in mood towards Heather are so terrible and just continuously makes me say for him to pick a side because for him to be angry at her for one event and then proud of her of a kind of similar event is just not right and it is confusing and it just leaves me really annoyed. Then the ending where one of the members dies was really kind of shocking to me and I was not expecting the big event that they were talking about in the trailers to be that someone died, and I am kind of still trying to get over the fact that they are gone. Overall this was a really entertaining and fun episode to watch.  

Agents of SHIELD Season 4 Episode 5 "Lockup" Review

As Robbie Reyes struggles to control The Ghost Rider, S.H.I.E.L.D. infiltrates a high-security prison to unravel the secrets that haunt them all.

This was a really great episode that I feel it didn’t have a lot to it but it still managed to be very entertaining and fun to watch. Pretty much all of this episode took place with a team going to a prison and breaking Robbie’s  uncle out before the ghosts get to him. And that was really cool to see and all the fight scenes were really well done, I especially liked the fight scene where Daisy took on a bunch of prisoners by herself. The the part where Robbie came face to face with probably the last member of the group that hurt Gabe, it was very interesting to watch him be all calm and talk to the guy to then have it switch to Ghost Rider and kill the prisoner in a matter of seconds and make all the other rioting prisoner terrified and go fleeing back to their cells. The one part that kind of confused me was the beginning where the couple found the book because was it suppose to be the lady who wants the book now or was it someone else the scene was never really explained and just really confused me. Then all the scenes with Simmons were really great with her jumping through all these hoops trying to not get fired. Then the actual interview the director had was really great with how he spoke and everything. Then I liked how Simmons kind of managed to sneak her way out of having to take the lie detector test in the future. I’m still very curious to know more about the lady who doesn’t really like inhumans I want to know what she has planned. Overall this was a really great episode and I can’t wait for more.    

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

The Flash Season 3 Episode 4 "The New Rogues" Review

Barry lets Jesse tag along when a new meta human known as Mirror Master shows up and teams with his old partner Top to find Snart and settle a score. Jesse disobeys one of Barry's orders during the pursuit, resulting in disastrous consequences.

This was a really interesting episode that I didn't care much for the idea of it but it still was very interesting to watch how everything played out. I liked seeing Jesse working on her powers and kind of discovering the fact that you can't always win every battle, and seeing her work through those ideas I really liked. The two main villains in this episode were really great with their powers and abilities but I didn't really care for how the actors cared to portray them it just didn't seem like the best acting job to me. Then when the two of them got a phone call from Snart it kind of seemed pretty out of the blue to me and not really set up as necessary in my mind at all. I kind of wish they would have kept Barry stuck in the mirror a little longer than they did, but it was also cool to see Caitlin using her powers and starting to suffer the consequences of that. Then the whole awkwardness of Barry and Iris dating I happy that they finally kind of talked about it in this episode with Joe not really feeling comfortable with it but it wasn't really talked about to the degree it should have been with the fact that barry and Iris are basically brother and sister. Then the whole idea of the team looking through the earths to find a new Wells I find kind of interesting but it also was a little weird and I kind of can't wait to get to know this new Wells. Overall this was an interesting episode to watch I just didn't care much for it.    

Supergirl Season 2 Episode 3 "Welcome to Earth" Review

Supergirl and the DEO are assigned to protect the President when an attack on her causes alien vs. human rights in National City to heat up. Alex investigates the case with Maggie Sawyer while Kara fears Mon-El may be responsible.

This was a really great episode that really got the ball moving with everybody falling into their new roles. I like watching James sort of come into his own as the new boss and learning to stand up to Snapper and remind everyone that he is the new boss. I was just really cool to see all the development James went through to get to that point. Then I liked the interview with Lena Luthor and just seeing how she is kind of like her brother Lex she just is more subtle with her plans and sort of puts it all behind a smiling face, and I just find that so cool to see. The whole idea of the plan to let aliens gain full citizenship I think is kind of interesting but I also agree with Hank that the idea could go bad in any number of ways. I did like the twist at the end of this episode when it came to the president that outcome was not something I was expecting. Then all the fighting between Kara and Mon-El was interesting to see because it is a story plot I'm not as familiar with so I liked learning all that stuff. But the twist of who the actual bad guy was I didn't really care for because it just seemed a bit too far off of the course they were originally running on. Overall I really enjoyed this episode and it had some great moments to it.    

Gotham Season 3 Episode 6 "Follow the White Rabbit" Review

Mad Hatter sets his eyes on his next victims, forcing Jim Gordon to make some tough decisions. Meanwhile, Penguin and Nygma's relationship evolves, and a familiar face comes back into Nygma's life.

This was a really great and amazing episode that put the focus back on Tetch and all his plans of revenge on Gordon. The beginning was really cool where Tetch had collected all these different people and made several different obstacles that Gordon had to choose between. The one part that kind of confused me, however, was the end of the last episode where Tetch had the one girl dressed up as Alice and then killed her. That part kind of confused me with this episode because they never really seemed to go back to her that whole possible part of Titch's plan kind of seemed to be forgotten. Then it was really weird to see all the different things Tetch did to kind of stick with the Alice in wonderland theme but then again not go back to the dead Alice that he killed in the last episode. The whole idea of making Gordon have to choose between the two women he loves I really enjoyed for the beginning chuck where he is messing with Gordon's mind but when the ending chunk of that whole plan came about where there is a literal gun to Lee and Valerie's heads it kind of fell flat in my mind. And the whole idea the Gordon loves Valerie seemed a little odd to me because they only really just started seeing each other like a few days before all these events started happening. The growing relationship between Penguin and Nygma that this episode showed was a very interesting stray from the comics that I feel like it is going to come back and bite Penguin in the future because Nygma might not truly feel the same way. Overall I really enjoyed this episode and I can't wait for more.  

Monday, October 24, 2016

Scorpion Season 3 Episode 5 "Plight at the Museum" Review

Team Scorpion's simple job at the Los Angeles Natural History Musuem turns deadly when they discover thieves robbing a rare exhibit, needed to enrich a nuclear bomb.

This was a really entertaining and great episode that really took the group away from some of the more stressful environments and kind of just had fun with it. The whole main plot to give a reason as to how the robbers got in seemed a little to far fetched for me with the ideas of them being the ones to set up the institution causing team Scorpion to be there, and the fact of them literally digging a hole to get in and out of the museum. I did really like the team up of Sylvester and Cabe as they run around the museum together, it was really fun seeing them having to deal with each other. The actual robbers in this episode were really bad at there job and were really only there for when it was deemed necessary otherwise it really kind of seemed like they were just wondering around the museum. All the things with Happy and the baby were okay but after all the stuff that this one episode gave I am already kind of sick of it so hopefully in the episodes to come it is not as much of a focus to that whole plot. I did like the ending of this episode however where it is Toby working with Walter and Happy to make it seem like they are an actual married couple. Overall this was a really entertaining episode and based on the preview for the next episode I can't wait to see what will happen there.   

Once Upon a Time Season 6 Episode 5 "Street Rats" Review

In a flashback, Aladdin helps Princess Jasmine recover a secret weapon that could release Jafar's hold on the Sultan and save the city; in Storybrooke, the evil queen tricks Hook and tries to divide the family.

This was a really great episode that finally did what they promised at the end of last season they finally did an episode where they managed to focus somewhat solely on Aladdin and his whole story. I kind of liked the idea of Emma's whole quest to try and find Aladdin and if she can manage to find Aladdin alive then that could easily mean that she could find a way to change her story and stay alive as well. Which of course that didn't quite go as planned but how it all eventually turned out it was kind of okay because maybe Emma's whole quest can change to where it becomes her trying to not become like Aladdin did. I didn't really care for the idea that Jasmine went about trying to trick Aladdin into becoming the savior because with that story plot I can easily see why in the future Aladdin would go and free himself from being the savior because it is not something he actually wanted it something kind of forced upon him, which the parallels to Emma are not going unnoticed. Which with that I really liked the scene between Jasmine and Henry where they share the fact that they kind of have done the similar thing to create their savior. The one part that kind of confused me was the part where they used a magical potion to track down Aladdin by linking one savior to another, but I don't really like that still managed to work even though by that time Aladdin had already cut his bond with being a savior so if anything I don't think it should have worked at all. Then I'm kind of annoyed with the fact that the oracle is dead because her whole role in the broader story will probably go unexplained and it also annoyed me that everybody kind of forgot to question Jasmine about who actually killed the oracle once they found out that she was princess Jasmine because maybe she didn't kill the oracle herself but she probably saw who did it. Then all the parts with Zelena and the Evil Queen were kind of pointless to me because I don't think the relationship between the two of them is going to last for very long. Overall this was a really great episode for finally showing what I have been waiting for and it managed to cover a lot of things in this one episode.

Thursday, October 20, 2016

American Horror Story Season 6 Episode 6 "Chapter 6" Review

After the wrap of the show My Roanoke Nightmare, the producer creates a follow-up show called Return to Roanoke, bringing the actors of the previous show and the real Shelby, Matt, and Lee, back to the house.

This was a really great and interesting episode that managed to actually stay pretty interesting despite the fact that it now is basically starting a completely different story. I knew that they would have to go back to the house but the idea of having the real people and the people who played them all have to stay in the house during the blood moon, and that seems like a very interesting plot that I can't wait to see play out. Then the concept that was sort of tossed in there that by the end of the blood moon only one of them is still alive and if it is anybody I think it will be either Audrey or Sidney. Then I really liked the scene where all the actors were in the kitchen talking about how everything must be fake because otherwise the real Shelby, Matt, and Lee wouldn't have chosen to come back, but then Matt walked in and reminded them that they weren't around when the blood moon was going on. That scene was just so great with how calmly Matt shut them all down. Then I liked that a lot of the actors sort of went crazy after playing these people, and because of the maybe, some of them like the Butcher might come back to surprise those in the house. Then the plot that Sidney has to make part of this show that there now filming be about trying to make it so that Lee is finally convicted of the murder of her husband by making it so that she gets stressed out enough that she kills again, I think will be very cool to see how that all plays out. Overall I really enjoyed this episode and I can't wait for more.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Arrow Season 5 Episode 3 "A Matter of Trust" Review

The Green Arrow is forced to face a powerful new drug dealer when Wild Dog goes off on his own.

This was a really great episode that I really enjoyed watching. I really like that Rory is fully a part of the team and not just someone who will come and go when they need like the last episode kind of made it seem to me. All the scenes at the mayor's office where really interesting with that news reporter and Thea going after each other but to some extent it was also a little annoying to watch them going after each other. I really like the idea of Quintin being the new deputy mayor and hopefully, with that, we might get the chance to see him a little more and just it seems like a good idea because Quintin knows about Oliver's other life so it is easier for him to cover for Oliver. Then I really liked seeing Rene and Evelyn going out on a mission together and the way that whole scene was done it was so well organized and choreographed that it was pretty amazing. The whole back and forth between Oliver and Rene is getting a little old but with how this episode ended for the two of them hopefully now there won't as much of that anymore. Then with that the whole ending fight scene where all of them are there and working together was amazing and it did a really good job at giving all of them some screen time. The ending between Felicity and Rory where she finally tells him the truth that to some extent she is to blame for the destruction of his home, his face after hearing that news broke my heart and I just really want to know what happens next for them. Overall I really enjoyed this episode and I can't wait for the next one.  

Agents of SHIELD Season 4 Episode 4 "Let Me Stand Next to Your Fire" Review

As Ghost Rider's quest for vengeance brings him into an explosive confrontation with S.H.I.E.L.D., Coulson and Mack must rely on an unlikely ally in their time of desperate need; and Daisy reunites with a familiar face to stop the Watchdogs.

This was a really great and interesting episode that had a lot of really great moments to it. When Coulson managed to capture Robbie I was not expecting him to let Robbie out of the cage as fast as he did I was kind of thinking it would go the way of Robbie haveing to break out of the cage and by doing so he would be kind of showing off his abilities. I really enjoyed the team up between Daisy and Simmons it was done really well and it was so much fun to watch them interact with each other. I also really liked them bringing back James into the mix and the twist of him actually being the bad guy I was not expecting for the fact of how determined he was last season to gain and use his inhuman abilities. But I did really enjoy the line that Mack said when James and Ghost Rider were fighting which was "Did two fire dudes just drop into a warehouse full of fireworks?" it was such a great and funny moment between all the drama that was going on at that same time. All the moments with Aida were really great where Dr. Radcliffe was sort of testing her out to see if May could pick up that she wasn't human, and I don't quite know if she did or not. But then the ending where Simmons pick up on the fact that Aida isn't real almost instantly was really great. Overall I really enjoyed this episode and it had so many great moments to it, and I can't wait for the next episode. 

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

The Flash Season 3 Episode 3 "Magenta" Review

Just as Wells and Jesse return from Earth-2, Central City is attacked by a new meta with the power to control metal.

This was a really great episode that had some amazing moments to it that I really enjoyed. I kind of liked the two dates that Barry had with Iris because I didn't really care for the conversations between the two of them, but I did really enjoy all the scenery around them on the dates and how much effort you could feel the two of them were attempting to put into the dates. I didn't really care for Iris thinking that the only way they could have a successful date is for Barry to put the Flash side of him to the side, but luckily the second date fixed that so I'm kind of okay with that. I really loved the idea of bringing Wells and Jesse back into the mix because I really feel they add something to the show. Then having Jesse be the speedster instead of Wally was an interesting move, and I actually really liked watching her use her abilities. But with that haveing the really sad Wally because he didn't have powers was interesting with how determined he seems to be in trying to get them. Even with the one fact coming out in this episode that Wally was around when the first particle accelerator went off and nothing happened then so to think something might happen the second time is a little hard to believe. Magenta as a character in the episode was so interesting to watch and I enjoyed her so much that I kind of hope she might come back in future episodes either helping the Flash or going against him. Overall I have to say I really enjoyed this episode and I was very entertaining to watch.   

Gotham Season 3 Episode 5 "Anything for You" Review

Crime in Gotham is at an all-time high, as Penguin struggles to uphold his promises to the city. Meanwhile, Butch goes down a dark path with the infamous Red Hood Gang and Bruce begins to investigate Ivy's whereabouts.

This was a really interesting episode that was kind of entertaining to watch. I was really excited with the Red Hood Gang at first because I was happy they were back in action and I was hoping that they might have some kind of connection to Jerome because in the comics there was that connection. And was just super excited to see them again and then when the twist happened where it turns out they were just there working for Butch so then Butch could get back into Penguins favor I was really disappointed because with that they were no longer real to me it was all fake and I didn't like that. Then Nygma's sort of revenge on Butch I was not expecting it to go the way it did but with that I kind of knew that they couldn't just go and kill Penguin and have it stick. With how this episode ended between Penguin and Nygma however, still, makes me think that Nygma might have something up his sleeve when it comes to playing second fiddle to Penguin. Gordons's relationship with Valerie I was not expecting it to go in the direction it did in this episode. Ivy messing with Selina because she doesn't recognize her I really loved seeing and I can't wait for when Selina finds out the truth. Then Bruce and his quest to tell Selina how he feels was very interesting with how he went about telling her and the ending between them was so perfect because it was kind of like if that moment was directly taken out of the comic book. Overall I really liked this episode and I can't wait to see what The Mad Hatter is up to in the next episode.    

Monday, October 17, 2016

Scorpion Season 3 Episode 4 "Little Boy Lost" Review

Team Scorpion must find a boy from Ralph's class who goes missing on a field trip after he accidentally has a run-in with a deadly criminal; Toby gets closer to finding out the identity of Happy's husband.

This was a really great episode that I loved and enjoyed so much. I really liked the beginning where Toby goes to Mark and get this little riddle to help figure out who Happy's husband is. Then at the end of this episode when it was finally revealed who the husband is I was very surprised but to some extent, by the way, they explained why it made sense. Then the character of Daniel was a really great and I loved him so much and he was done so well. And I really liked the concept of the journey to find Daniel the team worked by trying to see the world through Daniel's eyes with the help of Daniel's mother to guide them with possible decision Daniel might have made. The part with the train was a little confusing because if they were focusing as hard on the cameras as it seemed they were I feel they would have noticed that Daniel got off the train like they noticed when he got on it. Then the grain elevator scene was stressful to me because that is kind of one of my biggest fears is falling into a grain elevator. Happy's big secret that was slowly being shared through this episode was a little surprising but I really enjoyed the way they decided to show it and I kind of figured it out by the time that Happy met up with the chemist. Overall I really loved this episode and I can't wait to see what might happen next.     

Supergirl Season 2 Episode 2 "The Last Children of Krypton" Review

Supergirl is hurt by a kryptonite-powered villain sent by Cadmus to attack National City. Superman blames Hank since the kryptonite was stolen from the DEO. In the meantime, Kara's first day at her new job doesn't go as planned when she meets her new boss.

This was a really great episode to sort of put a hold on things with Clark and go back to somewhat of normal. I really enjoyed seeing Clark and watching him and Hank working together to try and stop Cadmus. All the parts with the kryptonite being stolen I kind of understood but it was still a little confusing to me. Then all of Cadum's plans were a little confusing because they made it sound like they have been planning things for years but then also kind of making things up as they go. Winn at the DEO is still really interesting to me because I don't really know how I feel about it, he does add some comedic aspect to the DEO but it still just feels a little odd. Kara's new job and new boss are very interesting to see and for some reason I kind of like because this boss actually doesn't care for Kara at first instead of being like Cat where she didn't like Kara in public but in private she was okay with her. Then Cat stepping away for a while is something I'm not a big fan of because I like Cat so I hope it doesn't last too long. But with that being said I can't wait to see what boss James might be like and how that will affect his relationship with Kara possibly. Overall I have to say I really liked this episode and I can't wait for more.  

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Once Upon a Time Season 6 Episode 4 "Strange Case" Review

The Evil Queen seeks to get her hands on Dr. Jekyll's serum. Snow has her first day back as a school teacher. Hook tries to save Belle from Mr. Gold.

This was a really great episode that managed to cover a lot in one episode and managed to take the story of Jekyll and Hyde and twist it into a kind of pretty cool new story. There still was the basic background to their story where Dr. Jekyll was working to try and separate man from their inner beast but after that, the story took a bit of a turn I wasn't expecting. It was a little weird having the main love interest name be changed to Mary but it is also understandable because having two Emma's might get confusing to some. Then I kind of liked the twist that had it so Jekyll is the actual main bad guy and not Hyde it just took some events to wake that bad up inside of him. I kind of knew from the very beginning of the season that probably the only way to truly kill the other half be it Hyde or the Evil Queen is to kill off the original. All the parts with Snow at school were very interesting to see and see a kind of out of practice Snow as a teacher. It was also really great because I think I spotted Tom Sawyer in her classroom. Jasmine was a little annoying with how different her character was because Jasmine isn't really supposed to be kind and sweet she is supposed to be really stuck up. So not seeing her like that was a little weird. Then Hook, Belle, and Gold were really cool to see them all interacting with each other and how that whole story played out. I really kind of liked that Gold went to Jekyll early on to see if Jekyll's experiment could truly separate the man from the beast and if it did work then Gold probably would have stolen it so that he could be with Belle and not have to worry about his other half. Overall this was a really great episode and I can't wait for the next one.       

Thursday, October 13, 2016

American Horror Story Roanoke Episode 5 "Chapter 5" Review

The mob comes for Shelby, Matt, and Flora, but they get help from a new face to escape the Butcher's wrath.

This was a really great episode that managed to cover some things without making this episode to detail. I really liked learning about the original creator of the house and seeing a bit of his whole backstory and what all happened to him. Then it was interesting and kind of surprising to see the guy who owned the house before them and see him just to end up watching him die all over again. It was kind of cool to meet the other kind of crazy family who in the first episode tried to buy the house away from them. It was interesting to see how they actually act and found out that they are working for the Butcher to some extent because they bring in people to send as an offering and if no one shows up then they offer one of their own family members up to be sacrificed. It was kind of surprising to see the Butcher's son go against her and stop Flora from being killed and managed to buy all them enough time to escape. Because of that I kind of can't wait to see what might happen to him in the episodes to come. Then one of the statements that I made in previous reviews was kind of confirmed that the police might know what is going on with the house and choose not to do anything about it because in one scene Lee gets dropped off by the police just to end up having the guy drive away as fast as he can. And I'm curious to see what they are going to do now that everyone is away from the house because there still is five episodes left so something has to happen to bring them back to the house or something. Overall this was a really great episode and I can't wait to see what the rest of this season will bring. 

Code Black Season 2 Episode 3 "Corporeal Form" Review

Willis defies Campbell's orders when he helps Mario and Heather perform a radical procedure on a maintenance worker stuck under a boiler that exploded. Also, Angus' father, Dr. Desmond Leighton, tries to seize Power of Attorney over Mike, who is still in a coma, even though Mike granted that right to his brother, Angus.

This was a really great and weird episode that had a lot of really great moments to it. All the parts with the maintenance worker were really sad with just how stressed out and sad he was because he realized that wrong move and everything could kill him because the boiler pierced his heart. Then Dr. Willis's other patient who thought she was dead was so weird with how calm she was with everything going on around her. Then the twist at the end of who this lady could actually be I was not expecting at all. Then the little kid who overdosed on cough medicine was really sad with how that was all done. Especially when the truth came out saying that it wasn't the father's fault it was the little kid just not wanting to have his parents fight over the fact that he is sick so he just kept taking the medicine thinking that the more he took the faster he would get better. I was really annoyed by Campbell in this episode by some of the things that he said because I would have understood it to some parts if he would have said that they just aren't able to save everyone but the fact that instead, he said something along the line of that they need to choose who lives and who dies and basically whoever he picks as their boss is the rules and they can't go against that. Just really how big of an ego does this character have that he thinks he is that high and mighty and the main point of a doctor is to save as many lives as they can not pick and choose people. All the scenes with Angus and his father equally as bad with the ego that the father has to insult his own son's abilities and basically love for his brother. I was so happy when Angus said no and kept the power of attorney over Mike and away from their father. It was especially sad when Angus made the comment that when he was going through rehab and in the darkest moment of his life Mike was the only one who was there. Overall I really loved this episode and I can't wait for the next one. 

Arrow Season 5 Episode 2 "The Recruits" Review

Oliver recruits Curtis, Wild Dog and Evelyn Sharp for his team, but his training methods prove to be too much for some to handle. In flashbacks, Oliver continues his initiation into the Bratva.

This was a really great episode that had a lot more to this episode than what I was expecting. I was thinking that most of this episode would be on the new recruits and them becoming part of team Arrow but with how this episode went I really felt like that was only a small chunk. I kind of liked seeing the training of the new recruits and right along with that having the parallels to see Oliver having to do the exact same training. It was a little annoying to see all of the new people complaining so much when things weren't going their way, but that is a bit of the differences is that these new people have the choice to do these things while when Oliver did them he didn't have much of a choice it was a bit of do it or get killed. Ragman was really cool to see and I kind of thought that he would be a bit more of a fighting force against Oliver for a while longer then what he actually was. Then Thea and all the stuff at the mayor's office and involving Quentin was really interesting but I was a little confused by the where Thea found out that Quentin was drinking again because I thought that was just a fact that everyone knew and not a secret between Oliver and Quentin. Then with that, I really liked the joke that Quentin made where he said that Star City might have elected the wrong Queen for mayor. All the scenes with Diggle I was not expecting to see at all, but now that I have seen them they were so good and I can't wait to see what the outcome of all those events turn out. Overall this was a really great episode that I really enjoyed.   

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Agents of SHIELD Season 4 Episode 3 "Uprising" Review

Coulson, Mack, and Fitz try to locate and neutralize a rogue group looking to stop Inhuman registration worldwide; Simmons and Dr. Radcliffe have only a short time to save May before she succumbs to her illness.

This was a really great episode that had a lot of moments that made me really happy. I liked them having a chunk of this episode be mostly just Yo-yo and her figuring things out herself. It was a little sad though that once her friends found out that she was inhuman they sort of ran away from her in discussed, hopefully, that won't stay permanent for long but we'll see if it does then at least she has her SHIELD friends. I also really like the moment where Fitz has to go a bit old school to find the source of the blackouts because all his technology was shut down it was interesting to see that Fitz knows how to do all his work even without the aid of all his technology. Then all the scenes with Daisy and Robbie were really great and well organized I especially love the comical aspect that the blackout hit Los Angles right when Robbie said that he hopes it doesn't hit them. Gabe's personality was a little surprising to me because like I said in the past I'm not as familiar with Ghost Rider and his whole plot in the comics but with my imagination I was kind of thinking of how Gabe might be and for the most part I was correct but when he all the sudden changes and goes against Daisy I was not expecting that at all, and it was so amazing to see. Then all the scenes with Simmons and Dr. Radcliffe were really great in how they decided to do everything and do all this quick research so they could find a way to help May. The end chunk though where the blackout hit them so they were having trouble trying to save May I was expecting Dr. Radcliffe to get Aida as a whole to help them out instead of just stealing her power source. And now I'm curious to see what might happen to Aida since he removed the power source from her. Overall I have to say that I really liked this episode and this episode really kind of ended with a lot of things up in the air that I can't wait to see how they will all come together. 

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

The Flash Season 3 Episode 2 "Paradox" Review

Barry realizes he underestimated the effects from Flashpoint; after meeting his new co-worker, Julian Albert, Barry is surprised at the man’s immediate disdain for him.

This was a really great and kind episode the had some funny moment in it and a lot of interesting parts to it. I kind of like this newer world where small things here and there have changed but for the most part everybody is the same. I feel really bad that in this timeline Cisco’s brother is dead because with how their relationship was growing near the end of the last season I was kind of hoping to see more of the two of them together but with what this episode told I doubt that will happen until Barry goes and messes with the timeline again. Joe and Iris’s relationship in this episode was kind of weird because they hated each other but they still sort of shared the same bond with Wally as they did before and I don’t really know how much since that would really make. Then Alchemy’s whole possible plan is kind of interesting with how he is giving the people the powers they once had in the flashpoint universe which I find really cool if they do it right and I kind of can’t wait to see how all that might play out in the future. I really love Julian because in my memory he is the first character to really kind of hate Barry and it is so funny and great to see the two of them interacting with each other and I really can’t wait to see how that all might play out in the future for the two characters. Overall this was a really great episode and I can’t wait to see what will happen next for these characters,

Gotham Season 3 Episode 4 "New Day Rising " Review

Penguin gains power as he closes in on the nomination for mayor of Gotham. Meanwhile, Gordon turns Alice into the GCPD for the bounty. Also, Bruce and Alfred race to find Bruce’s doppelganger after learning he’s assumed Bruce’s identity.

This was a really great and interesting episode that took some paths that I was not expecting it to take. I liked that Selina figured out Bruce’s doppelganger on her own pretty quickly but the ending sort of moment between the two of them was a little weird and I didn’t really fully understand it. Then Bruce saying goodbye to him doppelganger was interesting but ended in a cute moment where Bruce things that Selina only kissed his doppelganger because she thought it was him. Then Penguin and the election scenes where done really well with Nygma finding out things and proving to Penguin that he would have won without needing to bribe people. And with how this episode ended I can’t wait to see what might happen to Butch now that he and Nygma are kind of against each other. Everything with Gordon and the Mad Hatter was really kind of cool and I loved it so much. it was a little weird how he got this whole fancy mansion in the past episode just to have him switch it up and gain an abandoned warehouse to all to try and impress his sister. But the moment where he actually has Alice in the costume and Gordon and Harvey have to come in and save her was done and organized really well. Then Gordon finding a way to break the Mad Hatters control over him was interesting with how it was shown but who knows how long that might last. And then the ending where Barnes gets some of Alice’s blood in his eye, I can’t wait to see what will happen there because Alice said that her blood effects everybody differently. Overall This was a very fun and entertaining episode.   

Scorpion Season 3 Episode 3 "It Isn't the Fall That Kills You" Review

Walter is accidentally launched into space and the team races to bring him home before his oxygen runs out.

This was a really interesting episode that I have a hard time saying that I liked it but I defiantly have to say that I enjoyed watching it. I didn’t really care for the whole plot of this episode where Walter gets stuck in a rocket that got launched into space it was just an idea that makes little sense to me and it really felt like a plot that was made up a bit on the spot without much thought put into it. I liked the beginning of this episode with Walter and his AAA plan to try and avoid Paige and Tim I thought it was very funny just how well thought out the idea was. All the hallucinations that Walter was having really made to grown in annoyance, because really why out of everything did it have to be that. It was funny watching the teams reactions to Walters hallucinations, though. I didn’t really get the ending when Walter was talking about why he chose to stay in the rocket instead of jump out because I kind of get it from the wanting to stay alive point because if jumped out he would have been seriously burned by the thrusters. But then there was the tidbit that the other guy put in that made it seem like Walter maybe wanted to kill himself that made me kind of confused. Overall I have to say I liked watching this episode, but it really wasn’t an episode I cared much for.

Monday, October 10, 2016

Supergirl Season 2 Episode 1 "The Adventures of Supergirl" Review

Kara teams up with her cousin to stop a new threat in Central City, leaving Alex feeling left out. In the meantime, Kara and Hank are stunned by the pod that crash landed on Earth.

This was a really great season opener episode that did a good job of introducing Clark without going too far into his backstory and making the whole episode about him. Then also introducing Lena Luthor was a storyline that I was not expecting but it was a really interesting plot that I can't wait to see it play out even more. Clark was also really great at bringing a new sort of humor to this episode that was really fun to see. Winn was a little confusing because did he lose or quit his job at CatCo that he was hanging out at the DEO so much and trying to get a job there because I understand that he enjoyed working for the DEO but he wasn't at CatCo at all in this episode so what is going on. Hank and Clark's history as to why they don't like each other I like the fact that they managed to cover the topic in one episode and not drag it no, but I also feel like it is kind of a dumb reason to dislike each other to the extent they seem to. The DEO's new office is kind of cool and I like it better that they are right there in the city and no longer out in the middle of nowhere. Kara trying to settle on a new job in this episode was a little interesting with all the struggles she had with making the final decision to become a reporter. Then Kara's relationship with James is a little confusing because they were together at the beginning of this episode, then they talked a bit and I think they broke up, and then by the end of this episode I don't know if they were back together or not or really I just have no idea what was going on there. Overall this was a really great and interesting episode and I really can't wait to see what will happen next.   

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Once Upon a Time Season 6 Episode 3 "The Other Shoe" Review

Ashley is intent on settling unfinished business with her step-family; Regina tries to bribe Mr. Hyde for information on how to beat the Evil Queen; David makes a deal with Gold for information about his father.

This was a really great episode that took one of the side characters from the first season that I really enjoyed and made a whole episode about them. I really liked the episode in the first season all about Cinderella because it really was an episode that got me into Once Upon a Time so finally bringing her back into the story after all this time it was really great. The change in the storyline of Cinderella that they did in this episode was really great and I actually like it a bit better than the original with having one of Cinderella's step-sister not being as evil as it was originally put out there. And having that sister end up being friends with Cinderella I like that plot so much more than Cinderella just leaving them all in the dust as she runs off the marry the prince. Then also tying in the connections to the world of untold stories and Snow White's whole story into Cinderella's story was done really well and organized nicely. David and the coin I wished they would have done a bit more with it but the fact that they at least mentioned it was nice with what they did do. Rumpelstiltskin's whole plot in this episode to find Belle was very interesting with how he eventually went about doing just that. Emma being not able to use her magic at points here and there is a little annoying with how it is done and never explained. Then having this really saddened Emma is a little annoying with her not wanting to do much of anything just because she knows whatever she does it maybe helping in the timeline that will eventually lead to her death. Snow's whole quest to try and make things normal again is a little weird in my mind but I kind of want to see that as well. Overall I really enjoyed this episode and I can't wait for the next one.

Thursday, October 6, 2016

American Horror Story Roanoke Episode 4 "Chapter 4" Review

Shelby and Matt are saved from someone who could help find Flora. More is learned about the colonist and the Witch

This was a very interesting episode that took a bit of a twist to the story that I was not expecting it to take. I really liked learning more about the Roanoke villagers and what all went on with them to get them all stuck on this plot of land and I also liked finally getting a good look at Prescilla and a bit of what her whole background is. Then learning about some of the other residents was really kind of interesting, but I do feel the fact that everyone who has lived in this house in the past have all died roughly around the same time is a fact that should have been brought up I feel much sooner than this episode. Then the fact that these ghosts can only kill at this specific point in the year is also a fact I feel should have been brought up more recently than this episode. I really liked seeing more of Elias Cunningham and having him be this moment of light that could have gotten them out of there just to end up having him cut out. The witch was an interesting character that I hope to see more of in the episodes to come. I actually really liked the witches whole backstory and maybe because of the fact she is a witch, it may be a possible tie-in to season 3. Then I'm happy that Flora is back in the picture and hopefully we could see a bit more of her in the episodes to come now. Overall this was a really interesting and entertaining episode. 

Code Black Season 2 Episode 2 "Life and Limb" Review

Willis must help a promising soccer player make a life-altering decision after he's seriously injured, and another patient's hesitation to share that she's transgender makes it difficult for the doctors to diagnose her severe abdominal pain.

This was a really great and entertaining episode that managed to cover a lot of different things but still keeping it all organized in a way that kept everything in order. All the athletes that got injured in the bus crash were very interesting with the mass variety of injuries that all of them had because I think two of them died the captain of the team lost his leg and the rest it seemed like all they had was just some minor to major cuts and bruises. Then the person who hit the bus was a story that I wish they would have shown a bit more of but because of what his injuries were it is understandable as to why he was not shown that much. The captain of the athletes was a little weird to me because it really felt like he kept jumping to drastically different personalities constantly. Then the patient who was transgender was another really interesting story but what her actual problem was I felt was a little to overplayed but that could easily be in place in order to make the new resident that was working on her start to question whether or not he should be there. Which my opinion on him so far I stick him in the or not category. Then the actress resident is starting to get a little annoying but maybe she will come around once she gets a bit more comfortable with her surroundings. Overall I have to say that I really enjoyed this episode and I really am starting to like some of the new characters.  

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Arrow Season 5 Episode 1 "Legacy" Review

After Laurel's death and the departures of both Diggle and Thea from Team Arrow, Oliver takes to the streets solo to protect Star City's citizens as the Green Arrow.

This was a really great season opener episode that did a good job of setting some stuff up for the future as well as keeping to some current action for the episode in the moment. I really liked the opener and having the Green Arrow fighting up against Anarchy just seeing that moment right away made me really happy. All the parts with Oliver being the new mayor felt like a lot of harkening back to when he was a CEO or just plain rich and so he was always late or just not doing things right. And because of all that I'm very curious to know why all the other characters think it surprising when he shows up late. I think it would be more surprising if he actually showed up to an event on time. And with Oliver having this double duty of mayor and Green Arrow I don't quite know how I feel about it I think it will probably end up like all his past positions where he is going to chose being the Arrow over everything else. I kind of wish that they would show a bit more of all these potential new recruits because they just show one of the once and then they are only talked about. But maybe in the next episode, they will be shown a bit more. I did really like them finally showing what Laurel said to Oliver before she died and what she ended up saying I was not really expecting, but it also kind of makes a little sense. I really liked the scene where Oliver and Diggle were talking to each other it was a very sweet moment and a great way to kind of end this episode. Then the actual ending was really interesting and hopefully the next episode will explain the ending a bit more. Overall this was a really great first episode and I can't wait to see more.  

The Flash Season 3 Episode 1 "Flashpoint" Review

The Reverse-Flash taunts Kid Flash, and warns of repercussions if Barry continues to forget his old life; when disaster strikes, Barry must decide whether to live as Barry Allen or return to his universe as The Flash.

This was a very interesting episode that had some moments where things were kind of thrown in there to try and cover everyone in this flashpoint world. I really liked seeing the different reality that was the flashpoint world and seeing just how different all the main characters lives are from the world we got to know the past two seasons. I really liked seeing Wally as Kid Flash his costume and way he went about doing things was really interesting. And I really liked what they came up with for Wally's origin story in this timeline where it involved the chemicals from his car that helped give him his speed I thought that was a very interesting way to go about things. Then Iris and Joe as characters in this episode were really interesting with how similar but different the characters were. It was a little weird how quickly Iris excepted the date with Barry even when it was kind of explained that there is a mysterious connection between the two of them. Then the actual moments where Barry fights and finds a way back to the normal timeline was done really well and the twist ending of what actually changed do to Barry messing with the timeline was something that I wasn't expecting. Overall this was a really great episode and I can't wait to see what the rest of this season will bring.  

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Scorpion Season 3 Episode 2 "More Civil War" Review

The team learns that the hackers who took control of U.S. naval destroyers are also controlling a U.S. nuclear submarine.

This was a really great second half, but like I said in the first half of this episode because of the fact that they chose to split this up into two episodes the episode felt like it really dragged on and I wasn't the biggest of fan of that. I do have to say that I did like the length to so degree because we got to see more of each of the individual characters and there wasn't too much jumping around to try and cover everything. But it just had too many moments in the 2 hours that just dragged on for longer than I felt was necessary. I liked that this chunk focused more of Sylvester, Cabe and Tim and all of their adventures. I really liked that it showed how much Sylvester has grown in bravery over these seasons with him in this episode being able to be held hostage by a group of people and manage to fully take care of himself and not just sit around waiting for someone else to come get him. Then the entering into the oil pipe to put in magnets to try and regain control of a rogue submarine was a really cool scene but it was also one of the moments where the dragged it on slightly too much with Paige sliding around and not able to walk right because she's wearing the wrong shoes. Then the ending of this episode I really didn't care for because the first chunk of it made it seem like everyone is all happy and okay with each other again just to have it switch at they very ending having everyone leave and go their separate ways in not very good moods. But I do have to say overall I really liked these two episodes and I can't wait to see what the episode to come will bring.

Scorpion Season 3 Episode 1 "Civil War" Review

Team Scorpion must put aside their personal issues when hackers take control of U.S. military aircraft and warships.

This was a really great season opener that had some moments that got a little long but the majority of this episode was done really well. I liked the beginning little moment where Walter goes all the way to Lake Tahoe to tell Paige how he feels. Until it was revealed that Walter had done a bunch of stuff to change around and make Paige each and Tim's date go bad, and then after that I really didn't care much for that relationship again because Walter can't keep up with it. Then the actual mission was very enjoyable, especially with the two aircraft. It course that made me wonder what actually happened the second aircraft that was shut down, because was the guy killed or was he saved or any of the stuff was never really talked about he was shot down and the group went to focus on the other aircraft. The way that they broke up the groups seemed reasonable but with Tim being on edge it just made it all up a huge mess, because it actually is how they would've arranged the groups but because Tim is angry at Walter it made it seem like it wasn't normal when it was. The moments with Toby and Happy were interesting with how Toby tried to do all these mental tricks to try to get Happy to reveal who she's married to. I especially liked when Toby and Happy are working to try and actually save the last aircraft and there doing all the stuff to try and reprogram aircraft while there also argue with each other and everyone else is listening in on the conversation it was very funny and I enjoyed those little moments. Then the moments of Walter and Paige were interesting where they were at the embassy I believe it was and there doing all this hacking just end up getting a rocket shot at them that part was very fun but that whole on the street chunk afterwards got a little annoying because it was way too overdramatic. I don't say with making this episode actually two episodes it was done well but it did get a little long as they drag stuff out and I'll go in more detail with talking about the second episode. But I do have to say overall I really enjoyed this episode and I can't wait to see what the season will bring.

Gotham Season 3 Episode 3 "Look Into My Eyes" Review

Hypnotist Jervis Tetch arrives's in Gotham to search for his sister Alice and hire's Gordon to help find get. Meanwhile, Penguin decides to run for Mayor, and Bruce's doppelganger begins to channel him causing some confusion around town.

This was a really great episode to introduce the Mad Hatter as a villain and he was done so well, in my opinion, Jervis was so creepy and done so well I really enjoyed watching every scene he was in. I'm not as familiar with the Mad Hatter storyline as I am with other character's, so I'm curious to know if Alice is present in the comics as well or if she was just added in. But either way, I really enjoyed Alice and her abilities to have poisonous blood that also is explosive, which is a very weird combination in my opinion but was also really cool. I really liked the scene where Jervis hypnotized Barbra and got her anger and jealous so she ended up nearly killing him, the scene was done so well and put it so that you actually knew what was going to happen. Then the mayor race with Penguin was interesting and I kind of can't wait to see what a government run by Penguin might be like. Bruce and his doppelganger were interesting with how quickly the doppelganger went from just hanging out with Bruce to going out pretending to be his just because he wants to help out Selina. I don't think having two Bruce's wondering around the city is going to last for very long however because Selina or someone is going to figure out this doppelganger is not who he says he is. Overall I really enjoyed this episode and I can't wait for the next episode.

Monday, October 3, 2016

Once Upon a Time Season 6 Episode 2 "A Bitter Draught" Review

David, Snow and Regina work together to neutralize the threat of a mysterious new arrival; Belle turns to Hook for help hiding from Mr. Gold; Emma resumes her therapy sessions.

This was actually a really interesting episode that I really did enjoy. The main part of this episode with this new/old threat to Prince Charming and Snow White was really interesting with him saying that he was working for the Evil Queen because he wasn’t wrong but he also wasn’t fully right. And that little twist chunk of the truth of who he was actually working for was kind of cool and I enjoyed that. But I’m not fully sure who the character was though because all he was referred to as was the Count of Monte Cristo, so who he was and his goals was kind of confusing because I don’t really remember him from many stories I don’t know what his wanted revenge was, but I kind of wish to know it, but I don’t think it will be possible with how this episode ended for him. Then Belles small chunk of this episode was kind of cool with her going to Hook to try and hide from Rumpelstiltskin and having that similarity between Belle and his first wife where they both end up going to Hook to escape from him was kind of fun. And I’m very curious about what the tie is between David and his father and this coin that he got at the end of this episode how that all ties together I can’t wait to see that and hopefully is not too long of a wait. I kind of understand what evil queen was up to but it doesn’t fully make sense to me because if she’s making Regina another evil queen how is that all going to work out. And then Zelena’s whole role was very interesting and I don’t think that Zelena will stick with being friends with the Evil Queen for very long. And the ending where Emma sort of comes to terms with who the person in the white hood might be was interesting, and her ideas are not wrong but I also don’t think it’s good to be who she thinks it is. Overall this was a very enjoyable to watch and I definitely can’t wait for the next episode will bring.