Thursday, October 27, 2016

Pure Genius Season 1 Episode 1 "Pilot" Review

Dr. Walter Wallace, an experienced surgeon with a contentious past, is enlisted by James Bell, a Silicon Valley tech titan, to run his state-of-the-art hospital.

This was a really great first episode that wasn't all that exciting because basically, every part of this first episode was in the trailer for the series so nothing was all that exciting or new but it was still really interesting to see it all play out. I really like seeing the story behind the patient who was pregnant and had cancer, this episode did a really good job with that plot by having the truth be slowly reviled to us and turning the story towards something that I was not expecting. Then watching everything unfold with that plot and seeing the really good turn of events where everything actually turned out okay for her I really loved. All the characters are still really new in my mind so it is hard for me to have a full opinion on them because they don't go into great detail of each of the hospital staff, but with what I've seen of them so far I enjoy watching each of them in their own different way. The design of all the tech and the way everything was shown was really great and well organized. This show did a great job at not prioritizing one of the patient's stories over any of the others that were shown each of the stories got there own little time to shine. Overall I really liked this episode and I can't wait to see what they might do in the episodes to come.     

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