Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Scorpion Season 3 Episode 1 "Civil War" Review

Team Scorpion must put aside their personal issues when hackers take control of U.S. military aircraft and warships.

This was a really great season opener that had some moments that got a little long but the majority of this episode was done really well. I liked the beginning little moment where Walter goes all the way to Lake Tahoe to tell Paige how he feels. Until it was revealed that Walter had done a bunch of stuff to change around and make Paige each and Tim's date go bad, and then after that I really didn't care much for that relationship again because Walter can't keep up with it. Then the actual mission was very enjoyable, especially with the two aircraft. It course that made me wonder what actually happened the second aircraft that was shut down, because was the guy killed or was he saved or any of the stuff was never really talked about he was shot down and the group went to focus on the other aircraft. The way that they broke up the groups seemed reasonable but with Tim being on edge it just made it all up a huge mess, because it actually is how they would've arranged the groups but because Tim is angry at Walter it made it seem like it wasn't normal when it was. The moments with Toby and Happy were interesting with how Toby tried to do all these mental tricks to try to get Happy to reveal who she's married to. I especially liked when Toby and Happy are working to try and actually save the last aircraft and there doing all the stuff to try and reprogram aircraft while there also argue with each other and everyone else is listening in on the conversation it was very funny and I enjoyed those little moments. Then the moments of Walter and Paige were interesting where they were at the embassy I believe it was and there doing all this hacking just end up getting a rocket shot at them that part was very fun but that whole on the street chunk afterwards got a little annoying because it was way too overdramatic. I don't say with making this episode actually two episodes it was done well but it did get a little long as they drag stuff out and I'll go in more detail with talking about the second episode. But I do have to say overall I really enjoyed this episode and I can't wait to see what the season will bring.

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