Thursday, October 13, 2016

Arrow Season 5 Episode 2 "The Recruits" Review

Oliver recruits Curtis, Wild Dog and Evelyn Sharp for his team, but his training methods prove to be too much for some to handle. In flashbacks, Oliver continues his initiation into the Bratva.

This was a really great episode that had a lot more to this episode than what I was expecting. I was thinking that most of this episode would be on the new recruits and them becoming part of team Arrow but with how this episode went I really felt like that was only a small chunk. I kind of liked seeing the training of the new recruits and right along with that having the parallels to see Oliver having to do the exact same training. It was a little annoying to see all of the new people complaining so much when things weren't going their way, but that is a bit of the differences is that these new people have the choice to do these things while when Oliver did them he didn't have much of a choice it was a bit of do it or get killed. Ragman was really cool to see and I kind of thought that he would be a bit more of a fighting force against Oliver for a while longer then what he actually was. Then Thea and all the stuff at the mayor's office and involving Quentin was really interesting but I was a little confused by the where Thea found out that Quentin was drinking again because I thought that was just a fact that everyone knew and not a secret between Oliver and Quentin. Then with that, I really liked the joke that Quentin made where he said that Star City might have elected the wrong Queen for mayor. All the scenes with Diggle I was not expecting to see at all, but now that I have seen them they were so good and I can't wait to see what the outcome of all those events turn out. Overall this was a really great episode that I really enjoyed.   

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