Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Agents of SHIELD Season 4 Episode 3 "Uprising" Review

Coulson, Mack, and Fitz try to locate and neutralize a rogue group looking to stop Inhuman registration worldwide; Simmons and Dr. Radcliffe have only a short time to save May before she succumbs to her illness.

This was a really great episode that had a lot of moments that made me really happy. I liked them having a chunk of this episode be mostly just Yo-yo and her figuring things out herself. It was a little sad though that once her friends found out that she was inhuman they sort of ran away from her in discussed, hopefully, that won't stay permanent for long but we'll see if it does then at least she has her SHIELD friends. I also really like the moment where Fitz has to go a bit old school to find the source of the blackouts because all his technology was shut down it was interesting to see that Fitz knows how to do all his work even without the aid of all his technology. Then all the scenes with Daisy and Robbie were really great and well organized I especially love the comical aspect that the blackout hit Los Angles right when Robbie said that he hopes it doesn't hit them. Gabe's personality was a little surprising to me because like I said in the past I'm not as familiar with Ghost Rider and his whole plot in the comics but with my imagination I was kind of thinking of how Gabe might be and for the most part I was correct but when he all the sudden changes and goes against Daisy I was not expecting that at all, and it was so amazing to see. Then all the scenes with Simmons and Dr. Radcliffe were really great in how they decided to do everything and do all this quick research so they could find a way to help May. The end chunk though where the blackout hit them so they were having trouble trying to save May I was expecting Dr. Radcliffe to get Aida as a whole to help them out instead of just stealing her power source. And now I'm curious to see what might happen to Aida since he removed the power source from her. Overall I have to say that I really liked this episode and this episode really kind of ended with a lot of things up in the air that I can't wait to see how they will all come together. 

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