Sunday, October 16, 2016

Once Upon a Time Season 6 Episode 4 "Strange Case" Review

The Evil Queen seeks to get her hands on Dr. Jekyll's serum. Snow has her first day back as a school teacher. Hook tries to save Belle from Mr. Gold.

This was a really great episode that managed to cover a lot in one episode and managed to take the story of Jekyll and Hyde and twist it into a kind of pretty cool new story. There still was the basic background to their story where Dr. Jekyll was working to try and separate man from their inner beast but after that, the story took a bit of a turn I wasn't expecting. It was a little weird having the main love interest name be changed to Mary but it is also understandable because having two Emma's might get confusing to some. Then I kind of liked the twist that had it so Jekyll is the actual main bad guy and not Hyde it just took some events to wake that bad up inside of him. I kind of knew from the very beginning of the season that probably the only way to truly kill the other half be it Hyde or the Evil Queen is to kill off the original. All the parts with Snow at school were very interesting to see and see a kind of out of practice Snow as a teacher. It was also really great because I think I spotted Tom Sawyer in her classroom. Jasmine was a little annoying with how different her character was because Jasmine isn't really supposed to be kind and sweet she is supposed to be really stuck up. So not seeing her like that was a little weird. Then Hook, Belle, and Gold were really cool to see them all interacting with each other and how that whole story played out. I really kind of liked that Gold went to Jekyll early on to see if Jekyll's experiment could truly separate the man from the beast and if it did work then Gold probably would have stolen it so that he could be with Belle and not have to worry about his other half. Overall this was a really great episode and I can't wait for the next one.       

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