Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Scorpion Season 3 Episode 2 "More Civil War" Review

The team learns that the hackers who took control of U.S. naval destroyers are also controlling a U.S. nuclear submarine.

This was a really great second half, but like I said in the first half of this episode because of the fact that they chose to split this up into two episodes the episode felt like it really dragged on and I wasn't the biggest of fan of that. I do have to say that I did like the length to so degree because we got to see more of each of the individual characters and there wasn't too much jumping around to try and cover everything. But it just had too many moments in the 2 hours that just dragged on for longer than I felt was necessary. I liked that this chunk focused more of Sylvester, Cabe and Tim and all of their adventures. I really liked that it showed how much Sylvester has grown in bravery over these seasons with him in this episode being able to be held hostage by a group of people and manage to fully take care of himself and not just sit around waiting for someone else to come get him. Then the entering into the oil pipe to put in magnets to try and regain control of a rogue submarine was a really cool scene but it was also one of the moments where the dragged it on slightly too much with Paige sliding around and not able to walk right because she's wearing the wrong shoes. Then the ending of this episode I really didn't care for because the first chunk of it made it seem like everyone is all happy and okay with each other again just to have it switch at they very ending having everyone leave and go their separate ways in not very good moods. But I do have to say overall I really liked these two episodes and I can't wait to see what the episode to come will bring.

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