Monday, October 24, 2016

Scorpion Season 3 Episode 5 "Plight at the Museum" Review

Team Scorpion's simple job at the Los Angeles Natural History Musuem turns deadly when they discover thieves robbing a rare exhibit, needed to enrich a nuclear bomb.

This was a really entertaining and great episode that really took the group away from some of the more stressful environments and kind of just had fun with it. The whole main plot to give a reason as to how the robbers got in seemed a little to far fetched for me with the ideas of them being the ones to set up the institution causing team Scorpion to be there, and the fact of them literally digging a hole to get in and out of the museum. I did really like the team up of Sylvester and Cabe as they run around the museum together, it was really fun seeing them having to deal with each other. The actual robbers in this episode were really bad at there job and were really only there for when it was deemed necessary otherwise it really kind of seemed like they were just wondering around the museum. All the things with Happy and the baby were okay but after all the stuff that this one episode gave I am already kind of sick of it so hopefully in the episodes to come it is not as much of a focus to that whole plot. I did like the ending of this episode however where it is Toby working with Walter and Happy to make it seem like they are an actual married couple. Overall this was a really entertaining episode and based on the preview for the next episode I can't wait to see what will happen there.   

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