Wednesday, October 5, 2016

The Flash Season 3 Episode 1 "Flashpoint" Review

The Reverse-Flash taunts Kid Flash, and warns of repercussions if Barry continues to forget his old life; when disaster strikes, Barry must decide whether to live as Barry Allen or return to his universe as The Flash.

This was a very interesting episode that had some moments where things were kind of thrown in there to try and cover everyone in this flashpoint world. I really liked seeing the different reality that was the flashpoint world and seeing just how different all the main characters lives are from the world we got to know the past two seasons. I really liked seeing Wally as Kid Flash his costume and way he went about doing things was really interesting. And I really liked what they came up with for Wally's origin story in this timeline where it involved the chemicals from his car that helped give him his speed I thought that was a very interesting way to go about things. Then Iris and Joe as characters in this episode were really interesting with how similar but different the characters were. It was a little weird how quickly Iris excepted the date with Barry even when it was kind of explained that there is a mysterious connection between the two of them. Then the actual moments where Barry fights and finds a way back to the normal timeline was done really well and the twist ending of what actually changed do to Barry messing with the timeline was something that I wasn't expecting. Overall this was a really great episode and I can't wait to see what the rest of this season will bring.  

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