Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Arrow Season 5 Episode 4 "Penance" Review

Oliver and Lyla team up on a secret mission for Diggle. Felicity finds out and disapproves of the plan and opts to stay behind. When Tobias Church launches a deadly assault against the city, Felicity must decide if she wants to send the recruits out sans the Green Arrow.

This was a really great and entertaining episode that had some really great moment to it. Going into this episode I thought it would be all about Oliver going in and breaking Diggle out, which was a part of it but this episode was also so much more. Loved seeing the new Team Arrow working together without Oliver and seeing them in real action their fight scenes were done so well and it was nice to see them do a good job but also not be perfect at it because they are still learning and figuring things out. All the moments with Rory and Felicity in this episode were really great and it was so nice to see them figure out that they should be working together to get over their grief instead of not wanting to see each other because of the pain. Then I liked seeing all the scenes with Oliver breaking out Diggle, but it was a little odd to me seeing how willing Diggle was to follow hi after only one pep talk. And then once Diggle was out he kind of just switched back to being his normal self which for some reason it felt really odd to me. Then the briefcase that Lance was bringing into the evidence room was a little weird scene to me because I feel they should have checked inside the case and seen that maybe the thing could be used as an explosive device. Or at least have the guard notice Church and his group hanging around outside of the station waiting for them to bring the briefcase inside to me that seems like that would be kind of a suspicious thing. Overall I really enjoyed this episode and I can’t wait for more.     

1 comment:

  1. right!? suddenly diggle was ok with being out of prison & guilt-free. that was jarring.
