Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Code Black Season 2 Episode 4 "Demons and Angels" Review

On Halloween night, Willis, Noa, and Elliott rush to the scene of a fire at a haunted theater, where Dr. Nolan and her boyfriend's son are trapped.

This was a really great episode that going into it I had no idea what was going happen and the episode was a bit of a surprise and really entertaining. The beginning of this episode was really great with Angus walking in on his father and Campbell talking about working on Mike behind Angus's back. But seeing Angus stand up for his brother and reminding them that he is the one who makes the final decision on his brother's health was really cool to see and I enjoyed it so much. The all the moments in the haunted house were really great at not being too long and kind of always keeping me on edge and not really knowing what might happen next. But it was a little hard to care about the doctor and kid as much as they were kind of putting out there because they were only introduced in this one episode so I didn't know much about them to care about them all that much. Noa and Elliott's patient was a little weird to me with how it was shown because it was at such random moments and in the for such little amounts of time that I found it hard to understand what was going on with them. Then Campbell's turn in mood towards Heather are so terrible and just continuously makes me say for him to pick a side because for him to be angry at her for one event and then proud of her of a kind of similar event is just not right and it is confusing and it just leaves me really annoyed. Then the ending where one of the members dies was really kind of shocking to me and I was not expecting the big event that they were talking about in the trailers to be that someone died, and I am kind of still trying to get over the fact that they are gone. Overall this was a really entertaining and fun episode to watch.  

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