Thursday, October 13, 2016

American Horror Story Roanoke Episode 5 "Chapter 5" Review

The mob comes for Shelby, Matt, and Flora, but they get help from a new face to escape the Butcher's wrath.

This was a really great episode that managed to cover some things without making this episode to detail. I really liked learning about the original creator of the house and seeing a bit of his whole backstory and what all happened to him. Then it was interesting and kind of surprising to see the guy who owned the house before them and see him just to end up watching him die all over again. It was kind of cool to meet the other kind of crazy family who in the first episode tried to buy the house away from them. It was interesting to see how they actually act and found out that they are working for the Butcher to some extent because they bring in people to send as an offering and if no one shows up then they offer one of their own family members up to be sacrificed. It was kind of surprising to see the Butcher's son go against her and stop Flora from being killed and managed to buy all them enough time to escape. Because of that I kind of can't wait to see what might happen to him in the episodes to come. Then one of the statements that I made in previous reviews was kind of confirmed that the police might know what is going on with the house and choose not to do anything about it because in one scene Lee gets dropped off by the police just to end up having the guy drive away as fast as he can. And I'm curious to see what they are going to do now that everyone is away from the house because there still is five episodes left so something has to happen to bring them back to the house or something. Overall this was a really great episode and I can't wait to see what the rest of this season will bring. 

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