Thursday, October 6, 2016

American Horror Story Roanoke Episode 4 "Chapter 4" Review

Shelby and Matt are saved from someone who could help find Flora. More is learned about the colonist and the Witch

This was a very interesting episode that took a bit of a twist to the story that I was not expecting it to take. I really liked learning more about the Roanoke villagers and what all went on with them to get them all stuck on this plot of land and I also liked finally getting a good look at Prescilla and a bit of what her whole background is. Then learning about some of the other residents was really kind of interesting, but I do feel the fact that everyone who has lived in this house in the past have all died roughly around the same time is a fact that should have been brought up I feel much sooner than this episode. Then the fact that these ghosts can only kill at this specific point in the year is also a fact I feel should have been brought up more recently than this episode. I really liked seeing more of Elias Cunningham and having him be this moment of light that could have gotten them out of there just to end up having him cut out. The witch was an interesting character that I hope to see more of in the episodes to come. I actually really liked the witches whole backstory and maybe because of the fact she is a witch, it may be a possible tie-in to season 3. Then I'm happy that Flora is back in the picture and hopefully we could see a bit more of her in the episodes to come now. Overall this was a really interesting and entertaining episode. 

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