Monday, October 24, 2016

Once Upon a Time Season 6 Episode 5 "Street Rats" Review

In a flashback, Aladdin helps Princess Jasmine recover a secret weapon that could release Jafar's hold on the Sultan and save the city; in Storybrooke, the evil queen tricks Hook and tries to divide the family.

This was a really great episode that finally did what they promised at the end of last season they finally did an episode where they managed to focus somewhat solely on Aladdin and his whole story. I kind of liked the idea of Emma's whole quest to try and find Aladdin and if she can manage to find Aladdin alive then that could easily mean that she could find a way to change her story and stay alive as well. Which of course that didn't quite go as planned but how it all eventually turned out it was kind of okay because maybe Emma's whole quest can change to where it becomes her trying to not become like Aladdin did. I didn't really care for the idea that Jasmine went about trying to trick Aladdin into becoming the savior because with that story plot I can easily see why in the future Aladdin would go and free himself from being the savior because it is not something he actually wanted it something kind of forced upon him, which the parallels to Emma are not going unnoticed. Which with that I really liked the scene between Jasmine and Henry where they share the fact that they kind of have done the similar thing to create their savior. The one part that kind of confused me was the part where they used a magical potion to track down Aladdin by linking one savior to another, but I don't really like that still managed to work even though by that time Aladdin had already cut his bond with being a savior so if anything I don't think it should have worked at all. Then I'm kind of annoyed with the fact that the oracle is dead because her whole role in the broader story will probably go unexplained and it also annoyed me that everybody kind of forgot to question Jasmine about who actually killed the oracle once they found out that she was princess Jasmine because maybe she didn't kill the oracle herself but she probably saw who did it. Then all the parts with Zelena and the Evil Queen were kind of pointless to me because I don't think the relationship between the two of them is going to last for very long. Overall this was a really great episode for finally showing what I have been waiting for and it managed to cover a lot of things in this one episode.

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