Monday, August 29, 2016

Supergirl Season 1 Episode 12 "Bizarro" Review

Kara must deal with a twisted version of Supergirl while venturing into a possible romance.

This was a very interesting episode that left me a little confused about some parts. In the beginning of the episode when CatCo media was looking for an idea to explain away what Supergirl had done the previous night it was a little weird how quickly they jumped no board Kara's idea that it wasn't actually Supergirl. But it did help to set up the naming of this other Supergirl and name her Bizarro, which is a name I don't really care for and I don't thin it is all that catchy but at least it wasn't something like Anti-Supergirl. Then I have a question on the fact of did Maxwell do plastic surgery on this Jane Doe to make her look more like Supergirl because before she liked kind of similar but not that spot on. I wish that they could have seen a bit more of the science and building Bizarro to be who she is instead of the start and then finished product because then I could maybe understand the change in her face when she is hurt. The DEO not caring to treat Bizarro as any form of intelligent life until the very end also felt a little weird to me. All the date parts with Adam were nice but I'm kind of happy that relationship didn't last, but I kind of wish that it might have lasted a bit longer. Also having James admit kind of that he has feelings for Kara seemed a little weird because I just feel that not every guy who gets introduced into Kara's life needs to have a crush on her. But that being said I do like that Winn and Kara are kind of talking again after he admitted his feeling to her. Overall I really enjoyed this episode and I can't wait for the next one. 

Once Upon a Time Season 5 Episode 21 "Last Rites" Review

Emma, David, Regina, Robin and Henry are finally back home in Storybrooke and reunited with Snow, but, unfortunately, they still have to contend with Hades, who continues to deceive Zelena as he lays out his plan to use the all-powerful Olympian Crystal to take over the town. The heroes desperately search for a way to defeat Hades while Hook does the same in the Underworld, looking for those missing storybook pages. Regina and Robin take a more direct approach, which culminates in an epic showdown that will leave our heroes forever changed.

This was a very interesting episode really all about Hades rise and fall of power, and really just about the team all getting readjusted back in Storybrooke. I really like that this episode primary focused on Hades and Zelena to help and show Zelena's change in opinion of Hades and really having her finally come to the conclusion on her own that no matter how hard she tries she really can not change Hades. It was also really cool to see the Olympian Crystal and here about what it could do because that is a magical artifact that I'm not all the familiar with so I'm curious if it is a real part of the Greek lore or if it is something that the writers made up to give Hades more power. Having Emma be in denial and her running around and not really listening to anyone I really didn't care for and after so much of it, I started to get a little annoyed. All the parts with Hook and Arthur in the underworld were really great especially with all the other characters commenting on how they are on a bro-venture together, which it really was. The change of making Arthur into the new ruler of the underworld felt a little weird to me, but it could easily be because I'm still so used to Arthur being a hero so this villain Arthur that this show has is still really different to me. The scene where Hook meets Zeus was fun and I like that they didn't make Zeus a really big mussel man like some other depictions of Zeus have been. The ending between Regina and Robin was really sad but I hope with how it ended for Zelena as well that this sadness that they both now share will help to bring them even closer. Overall I really enjoyed this episode and it had some great parts to it. 

Arrow Season 4 Episode 21 "Monument Point" Review

When Team Arrow learns what Damien Darhk’s next move is, Felicity realizes she needs to ask her father, Noah Kuttler, for help. Noah and Oliver have a heart to heart talk that leaves Oliver rattled.

This was a really great episode that ran pretty smoothly but there were some parts that felt a little long to me. I really did enjoy the idea of bringing Felicity’s father back into the mix with the idea that he is the only one smart enough to be able to stop the nuclear launches of all the nukes in the world. Then also having Darhk be well aware of this fact that Noah is the only one who can stop him so he has a bunch of hitmen sent after him. The fact that Felicity is getting kicked out of Palmer Tec felt a little weird to me with the timing of it all, but it did make for a really cool break in scene where team arrow has to steal some technology from Palmer Tec. When one of the nukes wasn’t stopped in time was also a little weird for the fact that it took Felicity forever to decide to move some satellites to trick the nuke into landing somewhere other then it’s designated location, because I feel if she had decided to do that sooner she could have landed it somewhere with a lot fewer people then where it eventually did fall. The first part where Malcolm coming and talking to Thea was nice because I kind of had forgotten about his plan to save Thea and that’s the reason she is down there and not just because of Alex.  All the parts with Thea and Anarky were really great especially their final little fighting scene. But it was a little weird with Thea finally exposing her identity to Lonnie because now unless something more permeate happened to Anarky I feel he is always going to be on Thea’s tail. It is also a little weird with how little the rest of the team seems to focus on the fact that Thea is missing because they did bring up needing to call her back into the loop but they don’t talk in any scenes after about how they are unable to reach her or anything like that. Overall I really enjoyed this episode and I can’t wait for the next one.

The Flash Season 2 Episode 21 "The Runaway Dinosaur" Review

Iris volunteers to act as the bait in a plan to trap Girder in S.T.A.R. Labs; Barry struggles to go back to his old life.

This was a really great and interesting episode that was really in two parts. I did kind of like that for most of this episode they kept Barry separate from the rest of the group and had him working with the Speed Force to figure out what really made Barry be Barry. And I did like the parts where Barry is trying to chase after his own speed and failing miserably, which that was one thing that kind of bugged me because how did he ever think he could catch up to something running that fast when he is running at a normal speed. I also did really like that part where Harry makes the comment that all that is going on is really like a rebirth for Barry because the first time he got his powers he basically woke up and the first villain he fought was Girder, and now that is happening all over again. With the lightning hitting both Jesse and Wally does that mean they both now have the Speed Force too, because it would make sense for Wally because he eventually does become The Flash, and it would be cool to give Jesse a bit more of a reason to stay around. The one scene where Joe was testing to see if Wally had some speed was very fun, but even if Wally does have the speed I don't think that test would have worked because it didn't really fit Wally's personality like is would Barry's. And Iris using herself and bait and also being the one to figure out what Girder was actually after was really great to see. Then the ending with Zoom gathering all these random meta-humans was fun to see and I can't wait to see what they will all be like. Overall this was a really great episode and I can't wait for the next one.   

Saturday, August 27, 2016

Scorpion Season 2 Episode 23 "Chernobyl Intentions" Review

In Chernobyl, Sylvester and Paige become trapped inside a decaying nuclear reactor that the team is trying to repair before a tragic meltdown.

This was surprisingly a really great episode but that being said there were some moments where I kind of had to say “really why” to some of the things that happened to them. Because out of all the things to happen in this episode why not crash a plane causing Paige and Sylvester to get stuck and then as soon as they get Sylvester out Paige and Walter get stuck inside and the only real exit is in a hole in the roof that they have to climb a whole bunch of stuff to get to. I did like the fact that they brought in the amusement park just outside of Chernobyl into the story and eventually used it to help get the plane out of the building. Also having the team leave Toby behind in this episode was very interesting because they didn’t have him fully there making remarks about every idea that came to their minds. It was also nice seeing Toby preparing to propose to Happy. Then also having Happy sort of filling in for Toby in the department of talking to Walter about his feeling for Paige was a fun little turn of events. Then the ending and what happened to Toby I can’t wait to see how that will turn out in the next episode. Overall I really did like this episode but there were some moments I didn’t care for. 

Supergirl Season 1 Episode 11 "Strange Visitor from Another Planet" Review

Kara helps Hank face his painful past when a white martian, who wiped out all of the green martians from Mars, kidnaps Senator Miranda Crane who is an anti-alien politician. Adam Foster who is Cat's estranged son arrives in National City.

This was a very interesting episode that had some good parts to it. I did like that they addressed what went down between Winn and Kara in the last episode and showed all the awkwardness in this episode because of it. Bringing in another person who is very anti-alien was very interesting with all the stuff that went down around her but I kind of wish that I could have heard a bit more of her platform and why she is so opposed to aliens. Because it seemed like right when she was getting into talking and I was getting what she was saying that is when the white martian strikes so I didn't get to hear too much. And I was wondering what the white martian did with the senator because it seemed like Kara was right on her tail and yet the white martian had enough time to hide the senator and change form just that timing seemed a little off to me. And also all the parts where the white martian didn't know who the green martian was also weird because there were many scenes where it seemed like the white martian figured out it was Hank and then in the next scene she was still asking for the white martian's identity. Then all the scenes with Adam and Cat were really great with that fact that the two didn't instantly get along, and even just in this first episode of him being there I really liked him as a character. The ending where Adam asks Kara out on a date was really funny and I can't wait to see what that might do to Winn. Then the ending was interesting and I feel like it is because of Maxwell and if that is true I wish they would have shown more of him in this episode and not just show this surprise at the end. Overall I really liked this episode and I can't wait for the next one. 

Friday, August 26, 2016

Arrow Season 4 Episode 20 "Genesis" Review

As Oliver and Felicity look for a magical solution to defeat Darhk, a vengeance-driven Diggle gets a lead on Andy's whereabouts and heads off to confront his brother. Meanwhile, Alex takes Thea on a vacation that quickly turns into a nightmare.

This was a very interesting episode, but it also felt a little off in my mind with how it was presented. The idea of the team going and taking a break while Oliver went out and learned how to use magic seemed like a really interesting idea in my mind, but the way they went about actually doing this episode is what put me off. Because Felicity now being somewhat back on the team decided to personally go with Oliver to find this other magical person for little to no reason in my mind. Then Diggle just sent the whole episode dealing with Andy and Darhk so he really didn't get much of a break at all he just went about doing the work mostly solo. The only one who actually went on a break was Thea and even that was far from a true vacation. So it was a good idea but not really shown in the way I imagined it. I did really like all the scenes with Oliver and the Shaman and telling him about light magic and dark magic and how it all works when it comes to facing Darhk. I also liked the parts within that where Oliver has to try and learn to see past all the darkness in him life and begin to see all the light in it. Which at first when he was talking about all this after the Shaman kick Oliver out and he told Felicity that she is really his biggest light in his life I had a moment of thinking maybe Felicity might be the one to end up with the magic, but that question really has yet to be fully answered. How things ended between Andy and John was really sad and I wish there could have been another way but it was also the thing that made the most amount of sense especially with Andy threatening his family. Overall I really did like this episode it just felt a little off in my mind.  

Agents of SHIELD Season 3 Episode 20 "Emancipation" Review

In the aftermath of the events of Captain America: Civil War, S.H.I.E.L.D feels pressure to reveal their involvement with Inhumans. But with the stakes higher than ever and Hive growing stronger, the team is tested in ways they could never anticipate.

This was a really great and interesting episode that was really all about getting Daisy back. I did really like all the moments were Daisy is trying to hack into SHIELD and Fitz is doing everything he can to keep her out by basically rebooting the computers every few hours and adding more firewalls. The idea of Hive being fully willing to just kill off Daisy in order to get the amount of blood he needs to be able to make the Inhuman virus seems a little out of place to because of how much he seemed to enjoy Daisy's company. I also really liked that in these episodes since Fitz and Simmions have admitted there feelings for each other the show has shown their relationship growing but has not been shoving their relationship in our faces like some other shows might do. All the scenes with Talbot finding out all of what SHIELD has been up to was really fun with how he reacted to everything. Then Lincoln's whole breakout scene was interesting with how smoothly it all went down, but once the twist ending was revealed it made a bit more sense. Throwing Lash back into the fight was so great with how it was done, even though it was a bit of a risk because if he became under Hive's control they would have to deal with him as well again. Overall this episode had a lot of great moments and was a very entertaining watch.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Gotham Season 2 Episode 20 "Unleashed" Review

Azrael is loose in Gotham city which sparks Penguin’s need for revenge. Meanwhile, Bruce enlists Selina’s help in tracking down Professor Strange as he evades arrest for his experiments.

This was a really weird episode that seemed to veer off into a bunch of different directions. It started off where the last episode left off with Azrael trying to hunt down and kill Gordon. Then really out of nowhere in my mind Galavan’s sister manages to remind him of who he really is wich just seems impossible in my mind with how much it seemed Dr. Strange worked to try and convince him that whole part of his life was a lie. So for Azrael to accept his sister’s story and go and completely change his plan and go back to trying to kill Bruce, just how quickly that change happened didn’t really make sense in my mind. But of course, all this did add up to a really cool fight scene at Wayne Manor, especially at the very end where Penguin and Butch come out of nowhere and defeats Azrael them selfs. I really like the fact that the commissioner is not actually dead because like I said in the last review killing him off just seems too soon right now. Then the scenes with Selina and Nygma were okay the fun part was when they ran into each other in the vents. I also liked seeing some of the different monsters Dr.Strange has created as they were being shipped off to a different location because Gordon is becoming too close to finding them. Then the ending with Selina up against Firefly I can’t wait to see how that all will play out. Overall this was an alright episode with some good parts to it.    

The Flash Season 2 Episode 20 "Rupture" Review

Zoom arrives back on Earth-1 intent on taking over Central City. Barry and Wells come up with a plan to stop Zoom once and for all but it’s extremely dangerous. Unsure if he should take the risk, Barry reaches out to both fathers for advice. Henry is adamantly opposed to Barry risking his life again but Joe thinks he can handle it which puts the two men at odds with each other. Meanwhile, Cisco is shocked when he vibes the Earth-2 villain Rupture, who happens to be his brother Dante’s doppelganger. Rupture came to this Earth seeking justice for Reverb’s death. Iris decides she’s finally ready to open up to Barry about her feelings for him.

This was a very interesting episode that really kind of revolved around what the city is going to do when there under attack and there is no Flash. I did like that Cisco made this alternative to the Flash wich is just a hologram that uses some of the same sorts of effects. I really loved the idea of Barry bringing his father back into the story to sort of be a helper in making the decision to use dark matter to try and get his speed back. It did feel like a bit of a dump onto Barry with how much other stuff was being thrown on him that included him making the decision of whether or not he wants his powers back. Like Iris finally telling him that she does have feelings for him, which I don’t really know how I feel about that. I liked having Catlin there to try and stop Zoom from killing people, but it is also starting to become such a pattern and really kind of boring. I liked seeing Cisco’s brother again mostly because I kind of forgot about him, and I really liked seeing him change as a character through this episode, and seeing that he may not fully like his brother but he still cares about him. Then I really liked Dante’s doppelganger and his abilities I found to be really awesome, and I kind of hope that the other Dante might be able to pick up the scythe and have the powers for himself. Overall this was a really great episode and I can’t wait to see what the next episode will bring.   

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Arrow Season 4 Episode 19 "Canary Cry" Review

Oliver and the team struggle to come to terms with Laurel's death, especially Diggle who is overwhelmed with guilt for choosing to believe Andy had changed. Meanwhile, Lance refuses to believe his daughter is really gone and asks Nyssa to help bring her back. A recent Black Canary sighting in Star City only seems to prove his theory that Laurel isn't actually dead.

This was such a sad episode with all of the main characters having to come to the conclusion that Laurel is really gone. Diggle's whole quest to try and find Andy and get revenge for Laurel and tricking him was really kind of cool to see, with finally seeing Diggle finally being the one who needs emotional help and not the one offering it. I did like the line that Felicity said to him which went something like if he kept holding all this anger and guilt he'll become just like Oliver, I thought that was really funny. Then Lance trying to find any way to bring Laurel back was really sad with how desperate he was, but the ending was really sweet with his wife acting the same way and Lance telling her there is no way and really accepting that fact for himself. Having this other girl coming in dressed up as the Black Canary was a little weird in my mind with how quickly she managed to find an outfit and fix the cry device. But she was also really skilled fighter which was really cool to see and I kind of hope that she might join the team in the future. Overall this was a really great episode but it was also so sad. 

The Flash Season 2 Episode 19 "Back to Normal" Review

A meta human with super strength named Griffin Grey mistakes Harry for Earth-1 Harrison Wells and kidnaps him, demanding that wells cure him from his current condition. Realising another brilliant Wells could Track Griffins Location, Barry asks Jesse to help. Meanwhile, Wally corners Joe About the Flash.

This was a really great episode that did a great job at showing how much Barry's life has changed since he has gotten his speed and how hard it is for him to go back to his old ways. I do wish that they would have shown a bit more of him having to go back to a normal life, but that being said they did do a good job at sprinkling in the change here and there. Like one moment is when he is fighting against Griffin and he gets hurt and he actually can feel the pain like a lot. Griffin's whole character was really interesting for that fact that they finally showed a meta-human with a negative to all the positives of him having super strength. I still don't really understand Griffin's whole plan though because I think if Harrison had made a cure to all the mutations he would have shared that, so then forcing Harry to come up with a cure that doesn't exist seems really weird to me. Jesse was really great in this episode, but she also seemed so much like a plot hole fixer because whenever the rest of the group couldn't do something it turned out Jesse was an expert at it. Or just other things involving Jesse seemed just so in there to move the plot forward. Overall this was a really great and interesting episode to throw in there.    

Once Upon a Time Season 5 Episode 20 "Firebird" Review

Hades turns to the heroes to ask for help with getting Zelena back from Rumplestiltskin and Peter Pan. In flashbacks, Emma searches for answers about her family and makes an unexpected friendship.

This was a really great episode that finally got them out of the underworld and told a bit more of Emma's backstory. I liked the team having Hades on their side helping to get Zelena back and finding a way for all of them to get out of the underworld. And now that Hades is out I'm curious to see what his plans might be, especially now with Zelena seeming to do a complete change in personality now that she knows she and Regina used to be friends. I also really like that they tied in the story of Orpheus and how he and his wife managed to escape the underworld because of the fact that I already knew a lot about that story. But it did bug me a bit with the parts that Hades left out some which were later explained why he left it out and other I think they forgot about. They did talk about how after  Orpheus and his wife escaped Hades cut down the tree, but they forgot about the part where Orpheus's wife basically became a zombie-like creature that eventually returned to the underworld because she couldn't go on living. And I don't know how they could have ever thought that was a good idea for Hook, but then again they didn't bring up that part. Then the moments between Rumple and Pan were okay and the only part I really enjoyed was the twist ending that finally got rid of Pan for good, so I'm happy about that. Then the flashback parts showing a younger Emma in her like early twenties was interesting but I also feel like some of the bigger topics in those moments were already talked about in a different way in past episodes. Overall I'm very happy that the team is back in Storybrook and I can't wait to see what might change. 

Friday, August 19, 2016

Gotham Season 2 Episode 19 "Azrael" Review

Gordon and Bruce question Professor Strange about project chimera which leads Strange to send the newly resurrected Galavan to confront Gordon. Meanwhile, Nygma investigates who Professor Strange is.

This was a very strange but also an amazing episode that was mostly about proving what Galavan is doing is bad. It was really fun seeing this different version of Galavan with him now being Azrael and him being almost superpowered with his strength and agility. Them the suit of armor that they decided to put him in what also really cool with how it was designed. Then the little joke in the middle where Azrael is amazed by a gun was really fun to throw in amongst all the killing. I am very curious to see what is going to happen with Azrael seeing some parts of his old life, as well as now his sister and the rest of Gotham knowing that he is alive once again. Then I also really want to know if the one part where Bruce sees Azrael in his outfit if that will then inspire him to create his own batman suit because they kind of look similar especially from a distance. I really hope that they don't kill off Barnes because he really kind of just started but they it does also open up an opportunity again for Gordon to take over as police chief. Nygma's whole part in this episode was really interesting because I enjoyed seeing him working with all the other inmates in the Arkham Asylum and knowing everything about them. But I feel strange might do something to him once he finds out Nygma has been sneaking around. Overall this was a really interesting episode full of some great moments.    

Supergirl Season 1 Episode 10 "Childish Things" Review

Kara does her best to support Winn when he hears that his father Winslow Schott Sr. breaks out of prison. His father looks for Winn for a reason to become like him. Cat offers Lucy a job working at CatCo and Alex asks Hank to use his powers to find out and uncover Maxwell Lord's plans.

This was a really interesting episode that really seemed to come out of nowhere in my mind. I realize that the main point of this episode was all about Winn finally telling Kara how he feels about her, which the scene where they did that was really well done and ran so smoothly it didn't seem to jump from being friends to and cool with that too then them sharing how they truly feel about each other. Even though the scene still did have the common TV trend where they kiss one pulls away then the other panics and leaves. The whole idea that Winn's father had seemed a little far fetch in my mind because he seemed to be wanting to just be with his son, but then he would also be forcing his son to do things that at least some part of his mind he must have thought that he wouldn't do, and then because of that to some degree he was willing to kill his son. That just all together really doesn't make that much scene to me. Then the scenes with Hank and Alex were really good with how easily they managed to get into Maxwell's secret room, but I still have a feeling with how much Alex is easily exposing herself to Maxwell in the end it is only going to end up getting her hurt. I really want to know what the phoenix plan that Maxwell is creating is all about, so much so that I might need to look it up and see if it is a part of the comics as well. Then Lucy joining CatCo really is just a way to give her more screen time, and I'm still not really sure what I think about her because at times I find her really annoying. Overall I really enjoyed this episode and it was really entertaining to watch. 

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Shows I'm Watching This Year on CBS

Scorpion Season 3

Code Black Season 2

Pure Genius Season 1

Shows I'm Watching This Year on CW

Supergirl Season 2

Arrow Season 5

The Flash Season 3

Shows I'm Watching This Year on NBC

Timeless Season 1

Shows I'm watching this year on Fox, TNT, and FX

Gotham Season 3 on Fox
The Librarians Season 3 on TNT
 American Horror Story Season 6 on FX

Shows I'm watching this year on ABC

Agents of SHIELD Season 4

Once Upon a Time Season 6

Agents of SHIELD Season 3 Episode 19 "Failed Experiments" Review

As the threat of Hive looms, loyalties are put to the test and the team must come up with a decisive resolution.

This was a very interesting episode that took some turns that I was not expecting. I really like that this episode focused a bit more of Dasiy and seeing what Hive had planned and how all that worked out. The idea of taking someone who is not naturally inhuman and making them inhuman seems a bit weird to me, but Hive is not wrong because that is what happened to him and it kind of is what happened to Luna I believe with the mist. Actually bringing in some Kree into the mix I really loved seeing especially with them having their whole own agenda outside of the agendas of Hive and SHIELD. Of course, I'm really sad to see the end of Alisha in this episode because I really enjoyed her abilities and I kind of wish she could have been in the series more so I could have gotten to know her more. Then I was also not a big fan of Lincoln stupidity in this episode because I understand he is desperate to do anything that could help but what he ended up doing was just not smart at all. And now with the ending and what Simmons told him I'm wondering if he is okay or is something going to happen to him because she told him that the test failed. Overall this was a really interesting episode and I can't wait to see where they are going to take this storyline. 

Arrow Season 4 Episode 18 "Eleven-Fifty-Nine" Review

Oliver and Diggle find out Merlyn wants to break Darhk out of prison; Laurel gets a surprise offer.

This was a very interesting and dramatic episode that was all about bringing Darhk back into the picture. Which was a little confusing to me because in the last episode it really seemed like the whole HIVE organization was done with Darhk, and in my mind it seemed a bit like that was Merlyn's whole plan was to then maybe take Darhk's powers for himself since he is no longer the head of the league of assassins anymore. But to have this sudden change in attitude between Darhk and Merlyn seemed a bit weird to me. But that being said the whole bunker break in scene and the prison breakout scene was really awesome to see. I am very curious with the magical statue that Darhk uses is was happened when he sacrifices his own soul, because he kind of tried using his own blood only to find out it wouldn't work so he killed someone else to get his powers back, so if his own blood did work wouldn't he end up dead just like the other guy? Then the whole scene with Lance getting arrested was a little weird and random in my mind. I still really want to know what HIVE's whole Genisis plan is because I know they want to cause some kind of disaster, but what? Then the ending was really sad with Oliver and Laural sort of admitting their feeling towards each other, but I really want to know what she told him at the end because the cameras took us outside of the room when that conversation was going on. Overall this was a really good episode but it had some parts that were kind of confusing to me. 

Thursday, August 11, 2016

The Flash Season 2 Episode 18 "Versus Zoom" Review

Barry, having now learned how to travel between the different Earths, decides to take the fight to Zoom.

This was a very interesting episode that had a lot of individual parts to it. I really liked that in this episode a lot of it focused on Cisco and a bit of improving and working on his powers. Then to actually see a bit more of his vibe powers actually at work was really fun. Then all the parts with Wally were also really interesting with how they all went down with his now living with Barry and Joe, then of course what happened with Zoom. I kind of wish that the writers would have held Wally with Zoom at least until the next episode so then he could discover a bit more about this other life that his family lives in. Then Zoom's whole back story and truth of who he actually is also really interesting to see what is actually real. And all the scenes with the flashbacks into Jay's childhood were really interesting for the fact of it being so similar to Barry he just didn't have someone to rely on like Barry did. And I was a little confused by how Zoom explained how he killed Jay because I feel saying it was just a speed mirage I think would have made more since then saying that he convinced a future version of himself to let him kill them. Overall this was a really great and interesting episode and I can't wait to see what the next one will bring.  

Supergirl Season 1 Episode 9 "Blood Bonds" Review

A standoff ensues between the DEO and Astra’s forces also Non kidnaps Hank, while Kara tries to refute Cat’s allegations that she’s Supergirl.

This was a really great episode that just like the pervious episode it showed a bit more into the past of what Kara’s life was like back on Krypton. I really do kind of like Astra and I wonder if what she told finally about Kara’s mother is true or if she was just trying to give Kara something good to hold on to about her mother. All the parts about the hostage exchange were really interesting. Because on a part of it, I now hate general Lane even more with how he went about doing things. But the one scene with the explosion was really cool because it showed off how invincible Supergirls cape is. Then with the ending actual exchange makes me wonder what Astra might do in the future and if while she was being held she might have changed a little back to her old ways. All the parts with James and his whole investigation into Maxwell were interesting and makes me wonder even more what is he hiding that he has the alien superpowered gun, and what kind of experiments is he running on the Jane Doe at the end of this episode. Then Cat’s whole investigation into Kara was done in a really weird way, but the ending where Kara managed to prove Cat’s theory that Kara is Supergirl wrong was done in a really fun way. Overall, I really enjoyed this episode and I can’t wait for the next one. 

Gotham Season 2 Episode 18 "Pinewood" Review

After leaving Arkham Asylum, Barbara attempts to make amends with Gordon. Bruce and Alfred track down one of Thomas Wayne's former friend's from project Pinewood, but Hugo Strange disrupts their plan.

This was a really great and entertaining episode that did a good job at connecting some of the separate stories that this episode started off having. I really liked the whole Frankenstein atmosphere that every scene with Dr. Strange in it had, and not just because he was working on bringing someone back to life. Which I don't know how I didn't guess who it was until they showed him, I guess it's because I kind of forgotten about him. And then there was another part of me still kind of hoping that it would be Jerome. It was also really cool to see Mr.Freeze again this time in his full costume, but he doesn't have a helmet so I'm kind of wondering how that all works to keep him cooled down. Then Bruce is starting to get a little annoying because he seems to not really be listening to anyone and I feel like that is going to end up getting him hurt one of these times, and then maybe that might teach to hold back a bit on just barging into buildings. Then I'm wondering a bit if Barbra is really cured or if she is kind of playing everyone to eventually get something out of it because she changes personalities so quickly it gets a bit confusing. I did enjoy the ending though where they just go out and tell Bruce and Gordon who the Philosopher is so there isn't a whole other episode where they are trying to figure it out. Overall this was a really fun episode with a lot of good parts but it did feel a little long at some other parts.         

Scorpion Season 2 Episode 22 "Hard Knox" Review

Team Scorpion is hired by the Department of Defense to break into Fort Knox and "steal" a precious artifact in order to test their security, but they must break in the second time when they find something dangerous hidden inside the object.

This was a really great episode that at the core story plot seems like it would be a mess but it actually turned out to be structured really well. Sending in just Walter, Happy, and Toby to break into Fort Knox was really fun to see those characters interacting with each other. Then also having the dynamic of having two different outside groups was kind of genius to get all the characters playing some kind of role. When they had Paige and Sylvester back at the base looking up information and offering some technical help. Then having Cabe and Tim there onsite to help distract the guards and just end up in a whole lot of trouble. It was fun in the moment when Walter, Happy, and Toby first entered the vault and then had to struggle to fight one guard that they didn't know was there. Then it was also fun when they had to Indiana Jones style weight control to get the item they wanted. But I feel like if it was an important enough item that it would be in Fort Knox that somewhere online would be information on the item saying how much it weighs and then not having the scene where Sylvester has to make a mathematical guess on it. Because then they probably wouldn't have been wrong because that informative weight probably knowingly would have counted the secret extra weight. Then I loved the scene at the end where the team actually managed to frame the guy who hired them and how they managed to do that was really clever in my mind. All the scenes where they are in court working on Ralph's case were alright but I kind of wish there was either a bit more of them or that they would have cut out that weird scene in the middle of the episode. Overall I really enjoyed this episode.       

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Supergirl Season 1 Episode 8 "Hostile Takeover" Review

Supergirl fights against her aunt and learns some heartbreaking news about her mom, while Catco is dealing with a hacker.

This was a really great episode that really got back into the main story of this season. With a whole chunk of this episode being about the relationship between Kara and her aunt. I really liked the whole training to fight scene with Alex as well as the actual fight scene between Kara and her aunt, even though I knew right away that Karas aunt gave up way to quickly and wasn't actually fighting Kara. Because if she was then she still probably would have destroyed Kara pretty quickly. Then the whole moment where the possible truth came out that Kara's mother might have not been the women Kara though she was, was really great especially when Kara is try to get information out of the computer version only to end up breaking down. Then the line later on where Kara basically references how her mother did the same thing to her aunt that she did to Kara where she sent them away when they got in the way, I absolutely loved. Then all the moments where the main group is looking through all of Cat's e-mails to try and find anything that might incriminate her was really great with all the terrible things that they find about her. Then the moment when Cat first ask Kara to get a group together to help her go through all the e-mails was really great because at first it seemed like she was leaving it up to Kara and then just to make sure Cat added make sure it's James and that weird computer guy, like Kara wasn't already going to pick them. Then later in the episode that same kind of moment happened again and I loved that one two where Winn had a chip to go hack someoneelses computer and he is like someone needs to go and put this chip on Armstrong's computer, but it's going to be Jame's. Then the whole ending fight scene was really cool and I can't wait to see how that all turns out. Overall I really liked this episode and hopefully we will see a better growing realtionship between Kara and Winn after how this episode ended as well.         

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Agents of SHIELD Season 3 Episode 18 "The Singularity" Review

The S.H.I.E.L.D. team is left reeling and decimated as Hive continues to sway Inhumans to his side. But there is a sliver of hope as Agents Fitz and Simmons follow a lead that may be able to stop the maniacal Inhuman once and for all.

This was a very interesting episode that delt a lot with the loss of Daisy as well as showing a bit more of what Hive's bigger plane might me. The idea that Hive's main powers are that he increases other inhuman's dopamine levels so that they never want to leave his side is actually really cool, and a really interesting and smart idea for the Kree to add into their inhuman lead soldier. Bringing back a lot of the inhumans that we met was really interesting the main one being the girl who can multiply herself. Which just goes to show how much power Hive has that he was able to get Alisha to go and kill one of her own clones even though doing so would hurt her massively. Then in this episode having one of the only inhumans not under Hives control, Lincoln going out of control because of the fact that all of his friends are getting lost under Hive's control. Just seeing him in a panic and out of control because of his emotions was really cool and done really well. Then all the scenes with Fitz and Simmons were really interesting with how they are going about developing their relationship and continuing to work together through all the awkwardness. But I don't really remember why they needed to go see the one doctor when he didn't even know for sure that inhumans existed, and then to add on to that why does Hive need him? I really liked the scene at the beginning of this episode where Coulson was talking to May and May reminded him that Daisy is not his daughter, and how Coulson only wanted SHIELD to be the family that Daisy never got to have. Overall this was a really great episode and I'm very curious to find out what Hive has planned out.       

Arrow Season 4 Episode 17 "Beacon of Hope" Review

The Bug-Eyed Bandit escapes from jail and turns up at Palmer Tech threatening to kill everyone in the building unless she gets the bio-chip that was implanted in Felicity's spine.

This was a really great episode that I was not expecting but it turned out to be really great. The whole idea of Brie needing the same chip that Felicity has was interesting but also seemed a little out of place for what Brie's story plot was originally. Still, this episode had some amazing fighting scenes and just scenes overall with having the camera switching to the view of the bees and keeping the story moving and exciting almost constantly. the whole part of bringing in Curtis into this episode was very fun and interesting and I hope that he comes back in the future episode to take over for Felicity now that it seems that she is not coming back. Then the whole scene where Oliver gets stung by the bees and then they finally find out what happens when you get stung was a very cool scene especially when it got down to the moment where they found a cure and it just happened to be a tool they already had in the bunker. Having Felicity's mother in this episode was not the best thing because she was really only in there for the comedy and to get Quentin involved in the whole problem, but it just wasn't worth it, she was really unneeded though the whole part she was in. I did like the part when Quentin first showed up and he made the comment that it has to be one of HIVE's planes like the team is actually taking their name literally now that Darhk is gone. I wonder what was Brie's whole plane to get the chip because it kind of felt like she thought Felicity would just give it to her when to do that Felicity would have had to literally rip it out of her spine. Then all the scenes with Darhk where really interesting with seeing all the rest of HIVE just kind of give up on him and leave him all alone, but I don't think it will work out quite like that. And I was weird how quickly Malcolm seemed to gain power in HIVE when he only seemed to become a part of the group like a few weeks ago at most. Overall this was a really great episode that I really enjoyed.

Agents of SHIELD Season 3 Episode 17 "The Team" Review

Agent Daisy Johnson must call upon the Secret Warriors for an inaugural mission that will leave no member unscathed, and S.H.I.E.L.D. learns more about Hive’s powers, forcing them to question everyone they trust.

This was a really interesting episode that seemed to go by really quick and didn’t seem to have too long of moments in the episode. The whole point of this episode is the Secret Warriors coming in to save the rest of the team, and one of the Warriors is infected with something controlling their mind but the team doesn’t know who. And this episode did a good job at making it so that at first it really could be any of the four. I’m happy that I managed to pick the right person from when the explosives went missing because all I had to think was who was in that room when the lights went out, and I was right. All the testing is done to try and figure out who was infected I wish there was a bit more of, but I also understand why there wasn’t because it would have taken away some of the stress that this episode had. Then the ending conversation between Daisy and Lincoln was interesting and with some of the things Daisy said to him I really don’t think she can bounce back from that. Then all the destruction this episode ended on was really cool. Overall this was a really great episode and I can’t wait to see how the team will recover from it in the next episode. 

The Flash Season 2 Episode 17 "Flash Back" Review

After the shocking revelation of Zoom's real identity, Barry is more determined than ever to get back to Earth-2 to stop Zoom forever. Desperate to find a way to increase his speed, Barry decides to travel back in time and masquerade as his earlier self in order to get his arch-nemesis, Dr. Harrison Wells/Eobard Thawne, to teach him how to run faster. However, things do not go as planned and Barry is stunned to face familiar foe Hartley Rathaway, as well as old friend Eddie Thawne. Iris makes peace with her past in order to embrace her future

This was a really great episode that did a good job at showing the effects of time travel to some degree and also showed a bit of a reminder back to season one. I really liked having Barry needing to go back in time to look for help in order to better improve his speed just to have it backfire in his face. The whole turn when Eobard finally comes to the conclusion that Barry is not his Barry was a really great scene, where it completely changes Eobard if one thing would have gone wrong. Then the time wrath was also an interesting add-in to this episode that I hope we might see more of because Barry keeps seeming to find time travel as an easy solution for everything. And it was a fun little moment when Eobard thought for a short time that the Wrath was coming for him. Then I kind of wish that Eobard hadn't given Barry the solution to being faster for some reason. But I also understand the reason why the writers had him do so because it quickens up the pace of the story. Then the whole ending where past Barry and the team meet future Barry was really great with how easily Eobard managed to play off that hadn't known about it the whole time. Then I'm curious about how much the world has changed because of Barry reviling the time wrath to the past that hadn't been there before. Overall this was a really great episode that I'm very happy with how well it was organized.

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Once Upon a Time Season 5 Episode 19 "Sisters" Review

Now that Hades and Zelena have been reunited, Hades tells Zelena about his plan to leave the underworld forever and Cora reveals information from the past that will change the lives of Regina and Zelena forever.

This was a very interesting episode mostly about Regina and Zelena that took a turn half way through that I was not expecting. I had a feeling when Cora took Regina to the river of forgetfulness or whatever it was called and Cora told Regina that she had used it on someone once before I had a feeling that is was on Regina, but what Regina forgot I was not suspecting. And I have a question because of what Zelena and Regina had forgotten does that earlier moment mean that Zelena hadn't spent her hold time in Oz or did Cora go all the way to Oz to find Zelena. And when did Zelena first discover she had magic and started using it because I feel like it has already been covered in the past but I can't remember, and that scene with young Zelena doesn't match up with that past scene that I'm thinking of if I'm remembering it right. Because in that scene is when Zelena first sees that she has magic and is introduced to Regina and what happened to her as a child, and she is clearly not a little kid in that scene. But I could also be mixing that scene up with Regina's scene of magic discovery too. I really do like Hades to some degree and he is really acted well and I loved how this episode ended with Regina leaving it up to Zelena to decide how she wants to live her life and not trying to decide it for her. Then the other half of this episode was all about the anger between James and David, which was alright to have to help end James's part in the story but it wasn't the most exciting of moments. Then with how this episode ended I wonder what Pan and Gold have in mind for Zelena to get Hades to do what they want. Overall this was a really great episode that I really enjoyed. 

Supergirl Season 1 Episode 7 "Human for a Day" Review

Kara and her friends are forced to rely on their inner strength and courage when an earthquake strikes National City, while Alex's mistrust of Hank reaches its breaking point when the earthquake traps them in the DEO with an alien escapee called Jemm.

This was a really great episode to show more of Kara without Supergirl. Because that is what this whole episode revolves around is Kara having blown out her powers and needing time to recover and it happened to be on the worst day possible for that. I did like the joke early on in the episode where Kara caught a cold and Cat complains about it saying the only reason she hired Kara was because she never gets sick. And then of course shortly after that Kara falls and hurts her arm. Of course, there are the scenes in this episode where it's like a bunch of people complaining were is Supergirl this one time we need her, like all the other times she did show up weren't as important. Then it was really sad when it was brought up that Clark usually only needs 48 hours to recharge while it has been longer than that for Kara so maybe she has lost her powers for good, which is just a weird thought to have in my mind. Then, of course, the one scene where Kara decided to get all suited up to help out even without all her powers was really great with how that scene was all planned out and organized. Then all the scenes with Alex and Hank were really great with when they were added into the episode. But all the bitterness Alex had towards Hank in this episode could have been toned down a bit, but I also understand why it was there. With the similarities to the same events that happened to her father playing out in front of her face. Then the ended between Alex and Hank I was not really expecting but it also makes sense to some degree in my mind. Overall this was a really great episode and I can't wait to see what the next episode will bring. 

Saturday, August 6, 2016

Supergirl Season 1 Episode 6 "Red Faced" Review

Stress makes Kara go too far during a training exercise against a military cyborg commissioned by General Sam Lane, while Cat's mother comes to visit and Winn helps Alex investigate her father's death.

This was a really great episode that had a lot of great points to it. I really liked the whole underground saying that I girl needs to find a way to get out there stress in a healthy way because if a girl holds it in for too long and cause it to blow up in their face they'll be seen as weak, and I loved that so much because it is so true. The one scene that showed Kara getting out her anger alongside James was really great when it showed James just using a regular punching bag, but Kara was using a car hung up like a punching bag to get all of her anger out on. I really liked seeing more of the Lane family even though they were such jerks to both Supergirl and James. The game night scene with the main group of characters was also great to see what Winn and Kara could be if Kara just gave him a chance, as well as seeing the awkwardness of them right now. Then all the scenes with Cat's mother were also great to see what Cat is like never she is not the one on top of everybody else. Red Tornado was an interesting enemy for this episode because of the fact that up until the end of this episode he was just a tool for someone else's evil doing, and then when he finally came into his own Kara ended him. And I wish that doesn't stay perminate and eventually he comes back because I would really like to see more of him. Then the ending where Kara and Alex finally find out about what happened to Alex's father was really interesting and I'm curious to see where that might lead to. Overall this was a really great episode and I can't wait to see what the next one will bring.   

Friday, August 5, 2016

Gotham Season 2 Episode 17 "Into the Woods" Review

In an attempt to clear his name, Gordon steals his case file and approaches Nygma for help. Meanwhile, Penguin discovers his stepfamily's role in his father's death and awakens from his conditioning.

This was a really great episode that brought back the whole bouncing back and forth between characters that the last episode didn't have, but it actually wasn't that bad at keeping to the main story. Because this whole episode was mostly about Gordon trying to track down Nygma and end up finding out that Nygma is the one who set him up. I wish they would have shown more of Gordon actually coming to that conclusion because they showed all the stuff with him like checking out all these other people on the police force and believing that they must have been the one who frame him but then all the sudden he seemed like he knew it was Nygma the whole time. So I wish we could have seen more of that realization and not just have it be a thing. All the parts with Bruce and Selena were also really great with them sort of still being at odds because Bruce doesn't fully know how to survive out in the city and not in his mansion so he's making a lot of mistakes that Selena usually wouldn't make. So they do have a bit arguments because of that. I wish we could have actually seen a bit more of them in this episode, but I understand why we couldn't. Because of the fact that this whole episode mostly was about Gordon and him coming back to who he was. All the parts with Penguin were also really great with his father now finally being dead and him having to come to the conclusion of how his father actually died, and it was really nice to have him back the way he was and not the way Dr. Strange made him. And I kind of can't wait to see what he'll do next with the fact that he now has all this money and the place all to himself so he can basically start back up his empire all over again. I really can't wait to see what Bruce will find on his father's computer now that it's fixed and hopefully the next episode will show that. And the end of this episode was really kind of nice with Gordon going back over the files of the Wayne murders and also giving a call to Leslie just to see that she is, in fact, alive and somewhat okay. Overall this episode was really great and I can't wait to see what the next episode will bring.

Arrow Season 4 Episode 16 "Broken Hearts" Review

Following the events of William's kidnapping, Darhk has become less powerful, but Carrie Cutter, a.k.a. Cupid has emerged into Star City to cause chaos on the city and the Green Arrow.

This was a really great episode especially for one bringing back Cupid and doing it well because I kind of had forgotten all about her but then as she was in this episode I completely remember why I love her so much. I did like that her whole rampage somewhat had changed where instead of her pining over the Arrow and over love it changed slowly to trying to destroy love for everyone because of the fact that she believes that the two people that she has loved are both dead. But we are well aware of the fact that that's not true. And I was a little confused because I had forgotten that Carrie doesn't actually know who the Green Arrow is so and she's hunting down Oliver unaware that he is also the person that she was once in love with. And this episode did do a fairly good job at the awkwardness between Felicity and Oliver now that they are no longer a couple but they still are working together. And I loved all the court scenes in this episode where they're trying to take down Darhk but not doing a great job at it they don't have enough evidence on him until Laurel's father finally decides to take the stand because he is more than enough evidence but the problem is that that same evidence will incriminate him. So it is that big back and forth decision of whether or not to put him on the stand which eventually they do but there is that turn back around from there that they now have to deal with. Overall I really really love this episode and there were so many great parts to it and I absolutely can't wait to see what the next episode with what this episode ended with.

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Agents of SHIELD Season 3 Episode 16 "Paradise Lost" Review

The team hunts for information on a new enemy; Malick’s secret from his past threatens to destroy his Hydra legacy.

This was a decent episode that focused a bit more on Malick then anybody else and finally showed a bit of the group minus Daisy. I really didn’t care at all for the whole back story of Malick and his brother and their dead cheating father. I would have rather gotten to know more about Malick’s daughter and how that part of his life came to be or more about the hydra spirit inside of Ward and more about them. Malick’s whole story seemed so boring and kind of pointless, it was just so bad in my mind. And the whole story added up to what? Malick became like his father or was there suppose to be some other point that I completely ignored. I liked seeing Lincoln and Daisy out together looking for this other inhuman to help them gain information, and how that all turned out was really fun. But how quickly Daisy changed her mind about Lincoln because of what she learned about how he used to be before he changed was kind of stupid. Because she easily agreed with him when he was talking about the emptiness he used to feel before he changed, and she has known since first meeting him that he can be a bit temperamental. So for her to change her opinion on him that quickly was just kind of like why? I did enjoy the ending with Daisy and Lincoln though where they were like well I guess it’s time to get the secret warriors. Overall this was a good episode but not the greatest of ones.

Supergirl Season 1 Episode 5 "How Does She Do It?" Review

Kara must protect National City from a series of bombings and babysit Cat's son, while James is visited by Lucy Lane.

This was a very fun and great episode, that surprisingly for all the chaos this episode was supposed to show it actually did a good job at splitting between Kara and Supergirl. The whole plot with Kara babysitting was done really well, and I really loved the kid and I hope he comes back for future episodes. The idea of having Cat's son be obsessed with Supergirl was also a really great and fun tie in to mix everything together. I also really liked the part where they are playing video games on Cat's giant TV screens, but I feel like that would be really hard to do with all the cut offs. I wonder how it was organized that when Cat's gone James is in change because I thought he was just the photographer, so how did that all work out to put him in charge. I really kind of want to see more of how the office works without Cat there because that seemed like a plot that wasn't really shown all that much. I did really like the tie in where the reason Cat is gone is that she won an award and finally beat out Lois Lane in doing so. The big revile of who the big bad villain is was not too surprising to me because I had a feeling about it from when we first met him at the end of the first episode. How he went about doing him pain though is really clever with playing the victim, but also really sad with how he got the other guy to take the fall for him. I really want to find out more about Henshaw because I am completely lost of what he is. Overall I really loved this episode and it was done really well.     

Scorpion Season 2 Episode 21 "Twist and Shout" Review

Team Scorpion's mission to recover the remains of fallen Marines in Vietnam is threatened along with their lives when a deadly tornado heads directly towards them.

This was a very interesting episode that wasn't the newest of ideas but it still kind of felt unique. I really loved the whole plot of them in Vietnam and with every passing minute, they have to speed up their work even more with the massive storm coming there way quicker and quicker. The scene with Paige and Walter going to the old folks home to get a chip out of an ultrasound machine was one of my favorite scenes from this episode because it was planned out really well, and it was set up at first to seem like a very unimportant moment but then it changed to being the most important moment of the whole episode. Then the idea of removing the approaching tornado by cooling it down was done and organized in a really great way that it was made to seem pretty reasonable of an idea. All the scenes with Ralph and Sylvester were not that bad in this episode, even though I wished we could have seen a bit of Ralph's actual speech and not just hear the end results of it because then I could have learned to hate the teacher more. And with how this episode ended for Ralph I'm very curious what the next episode will bring.   

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

The Flash Season 2 Episode 16 "Trajectory" Review

Trajectory arrived in town intent on creating maximum chaos, Trajectory's antics are misinterpreted as having been perpetrated by The Flash himself. Barry thus must quickly. uncover the mystery of who is the girl under the mask and as well as what is driving her mad desire for speed and destruction.

This was a really fun and great episode that took a little bit different turn on the Speedster abilities and how you come about getting them. I did like having the lady Speedster in this episode even know her name of Trajectory was kind of lame in my mind. But having her there with the fact of her not having the speed force but instead she just got her power from the Velocity Nine is kind of unique. And she was just overall a really great villain even though she was mostly only evil because of this serum. It was also nice to have Trajectory be someone that they actually know and not just be some random person that they have to discover . It was also nice in this episode to see Barry working on trying to improve his speed again because he hasn't been doing that a while now. And just seeing all the new tricks that they're doing the try and improve his speed is just great. It was also interesting in this episode to see Iris working on trying not to write this bad article about the Flash so she's trying all these different stuff to try and not write the article. And I'm very curious to see what's going to happen with Iris and her boss now in the future after how this episode ended. And I liked in this episode how it ended with them discovering more about Zoom and why he's doing what he's doing was very interesting and how they decided that he's sick with the fact of the yellow lightning turning blue. And his overall this was a really great and interesting episode that I really enjoyed.

Gotham Season 2 Episode 16 "Prisoners" Review

After Gordon is removed from protective custody, he begins to face new threats and dangers inside prison walls. In order to survive, he must rely on a new friend as well as Bullock and other outside help. Meanwhile, Penguin grows closer to his Father, while his step-mother and step-siblings move forward with their own plans for the family.

This was a really great episode that did an amazing job at focusing only on two different stories and doing a great job at putting a high amount of detail into those two stories. The first story was all about Gordon and his time in prison and all the problems that went along with that. It was fun to see him and how he went from being in this one part of the prison where everyone was alright with him and he was doing fine, to then being moved to the part of the prison with all the people that he's put in there. And just seeing how angry everyone seemed to be at him because the one head of the jail told them to be. I really wish that we could have known more about the one kid who helped to save him because he just seemed to be thrown in there and you get to hear some of his story but he's not really knowing anything about him as a character you've ever been introduced to before, I don't think. Even though I really did enjoy seeing this kid because he was so happy and willing to live in prison because he knew he had to serve his time and that's all he cared about as well as Gordon. And so ending with this kid it was so sad to me. Then the other part in this episode was all about Penguin and his dad and all that family and after I watch the last episode I've had got the feeling that this other family I was only in there to get Penguins father's money so when that all turned out to be true I kind of was like alright, but the way they went about doing it was a little weird. Where they are slowly killing Penguin's father and then they just straight-up try to get rid of Penguin and then tried to kill him. But in the end, none of that seemed to work out cause Penguin is so changed from what it used to be. So I'm very curious to see what's all going to happen with them in the future now that Penguins father is gone. And his overall this was a really great and fun episode.

Monday, August 1, 2016

Supergirl Season 1 Episode 4 "Livewire" Review

Kara's foster mother visits for Thanksgiving, while an accident transforms a volatile CatCo employee into Livewire.

This was a really great episode, especially for a holiday episode. The fact that they decided in this episode to introduce a villain that isn't an alien but just a human given special abilities. It was a nice change, but it was a little weird how quickly Livewire seemed to master her powers. The thanksgiving dinner scene was also done really well with how it all seemed like no one wanted to be there. The opening scene was also fun with having Kara fighting an alien while on the phone. And all the conversation with Cat were also really great. Overall this was a really great and fun episode.