Sunday, August 7, 2016

Supergirl Season 1 Episode 7 "Human for a Day" Review

Kara and her friends are forced to rely on their inner strength and courage when an earthquake strikes National City, while Alex's mistrust of Hank reaches its breaking point when the earthquake traps them in the DEO with an alien escapee called Jemm.

This was a really great episode to show more of Kara without Supergirl. Because that is what this whole episode revolves around is Kara having blown out her powers and needing time to recover and it happened to be on the worst day possible for that. I did like the joke early on in the episode where Kara caught a cold and Cat complains about it saying the only reason she hired Kara was because she never gets sick. And then of course shortly after that Kara falls and hurts her arm. Of course, there are the scenes in this episode where it's like a bunch of people complaining were is Supergirl this one time we need her, like all the other times she did show up weren't as important. Then it was really sad when it was brought up that Clark usually only needs 48 hours to recharge while it has been longer than that for Kara so maybe she has lost her powers for good, which is just a weird thought to have in my mind. Then, of course, the one scene where Kara decided to get all suited up to help out even without all her powers was really great with how that scene was all planned out and organized. Then all the scenes with Alex and Hank were really great with when they were added into the episode. But all the bitterness Alex had towards Hank in this episode could have been toned down a bit, but I also understand why it was there. With the similarities to the same events that happened to her father playing out in front of her face. Then the ended between Alex and Hank I was not really expecting but it also makes sense to some degree in my mind. Overall this was a really great episode and I can't wait to see what the next episode will bring. 

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