Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Agents of SHIELD Season 3 Episode 18 "The Singularity" Review

The S.H.I.E.L.D. team is left reeling and decimated as Hive continues to sway Inhumans to his side. But there is a sliver of hope as Agents Fitz and Simmons follow a lead that may be able to stop the maniacal Inhuman once and for all.

This was a very interesting episode that delt a lot with the loss of Daisy as well as showing a bit more of what Hive's bigger plane might me. The idea that Hive's main powers are that he increases other inhuman's dopamine levels so that they never want to leave his side is actually really cool, and a really interesting and smart idea for the Kree to add into their inhuman lead soldier. Bringing back a lot of the inhumans that we met was really interesting the main one being the girl who can multiply herself. Which just goes to show how much power Hive has that he was able to get Alisha to go and kill one of her own clones even though doing so would hurt her massively. Then in this episode having one of the only inhumans not under Hives control, Lincoln going out of control because of the fact that all of his friends are getting lost under Hive's control. Just seeing him in a panic and out of control because of his emotions was really cool and done really well. Then all the scenes with Fitz and Simmons were really interesting with how they are going about developing their relationship and continuing to work together through all the awkwardness. But I don't really remember why they needed to go see the one doctor when he didn't even know for sure that inhumans existed, and then to add on to that why does Hive need him? I really liked the scene at the beginning of this episode where Coulson was talking to May and May reminded him that Daisy is not his daughter, and how Coulson only wanted SHIELD to be the family that Daisy never got to have. Overall this was a really great episode and I'm very curious to find out what Hive has planned out.       

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