Thursday, August 11, 2016

Scorpion Season 2 Episode 22 "Hard Knox" Review

Team Scorpion is hired by the Department of Defense to break into Fort Knox and "steal" a precious artifact in order to test their security, but they must break in the second time when they find something dangerous hidden inside the object.

This was a really great episode that at the core story plot seems like it would be a mess but it actually turned out to be structured really well. Sending in just Walter, Happy, and Toby to break into Fort Knox was really fun to see those characters interacting with each other. Then also having the dynamic of having two different outside groups was kind of genius to get all the characters playing some kind of role. When they had Paige and Sylvester back at the base looking up information and offering some technical help. Then having Cabe and Tim there onsite to help distract the guards and just end up in a whole lot of trouble. It was fun in the moment when Walter, Happy, and Toby first entered the vault and then had to struggle to fight one guard that they didn't know was there. Then it was also fun when they had to Indiana Jones style weight control to get the item they wanted. But I feel like if it was an important enough item that it would be in Fort Knox that somewhere online would be information on the item saying how much it weighs and then not having the scene where Sylvester has to make a mathematical guess on it. Because then they probably wouldn't have been wrong because that informative weight probably knowingly would have counted the secret extra weight. Then I loved the scene at the end where the team actually managed to frame the guy who hired them and how they managed to do that was really clever in my mind. All the scenes where they are in court working on Ralph's case were alright but I kind of wish there was either a bit more of them or that they would have cut out that weird scene in the middle of the episode. Overall I really enjoyed this episode.       

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