Sunday, August 7, 2016

Once Upon a Time Season 5 Episode 19 "Sisters" Review

Now that Hades and Zelena have been reunited, Hades tells Zelena about his plan to leave the underworld forever and Cora reveals information from the past that will change the lives of Regina and Zelena forever.

This was a very interesting episode mostly about Regina and Zelena that took a turn half way through that I was not expecting. I had a feeling when Cora took Regina to the river of forgetfulness or whatever it was called and Cora told Regina that she had used it on someone once before I had a feeling that is was on Regina, but what Regina forgot I was not suspecting. And I have a question because of what Zelena and Regina had forgotten does that earlier moment mean that Zelena hadn't spent her hold time in Oz or did Cora go all the way to Oz to find Zelena. And when did Zelena first discover she had magic and started using it because I feel like it has already been covered in the past but I can't remember, and that scene with young Zelena doesn't match up with that past scene that I'm thinking of if I'm remembering it right. Because in that scene is when Zelena first sees that she has magic and is introduced to Regina and what happened to her as a child, and she is clearly not a little kid in that scene. But I could also be mixing that scene up with Regina's scene of magic discovery too. I really do like Hades to some degree and he is really acted well and I loved how this episode ended with Regina leaving it up to Zelena to decide how she wants to live her life and not trying to decide it for her. Then the other half of this episode was all about the anger between James and David, which was alright to have to help end James's part in the story but it wasn't the most exciting of moments. Then with how this episode ended I wonder what Pan and Gold have in mind for Zelena to get Hades to do what they want. Overall this was a really great episode that I really enjoyed. 

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