Thursday, August 11, 2016

Gotham Season 2 Episode 18 "Pinewood" Review

After leaving Arkham Asylum, Barbara attempts to make amends with Gordon. Bruce and Alfred track down one of Thomas Wayne's former friend's from project Pinewood, but Hugo Strange disrupts their plan.

This was a really great and entertaining episode that did a good job at connecting some of the separate stories that this episode started off having. I really liked the whole Frankenstein atmosphere that every scene with Dr. Strange in it had, and not just because he was working on bringing someone back to life. Which I don't know how I didn't guess who it was until they showed him, I guess it's because I kind of forgotten about him. And then there was another part of me still kind of hoping that it would be Jerome. It was also really cool to see Mr.Freeze again this time in his full costume, but he doesn't have a helmet so I'm kind of wondering how that all works to keep him cooled down. Then Bruce is starting to get a little annoying because he seems to not really be listening to anyone and I feel like that is going to end up getting him hurt one of these times, and then maybe that might teach to hold back a bit on just barging into buildings. Then I'm wondering a bit if Barbra is really cured or if she is kind of playing everyone to eventually get something out of it because she changes personalities so quickly it gets a bit confusing. I did enjoy the ending though where they just go out and tell Bruce and Gordon who the Philosopher is so there isn't a whole other episode where they are trying to figure it out. Overall this was a really fun episode with a lot of good parts but it did feel a little long at some other parts.         

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