Monday, August 29, 2016

The Flash Season 2 Episode 21 "The Runaway Dinosaur" Review

Iris volunteers to act as the bait in a plan to trap Girder in S.T.A.R. Labs; Barry struggles to go back to his old life.

This was a really great and interesting episode that was really in two parts. I did kind of like that for most of this episode they kept Barry separate from the rest of the group and had him working with the Speed Force to figure out what really made Barry be Barry. And I did like the parts where Barry is trying to chase after his own speed and failing miserably, which that was one thing that kind of bugged me because how did he ever think he could catch up to something running that fast when he is running at a normal speed. I also did really like that part where Harry makes the comment that all that is going on is really like a rebirth for Barry because the first time he got his powers he basically woke up and the first villain he fought was Girder, and now that is happening all over again. With the lightning hitting both Jesse and Wally does that mean they both now have the Speed Force too, because it would make sense for Wally because he eventually does become The Flash, and it would be cool to give Jesse a bit more of a reason to stay around. The one scene where Joe was testing to see if Wally had some speed was very fun, but even if Wally does have the speed I don't think that test would have worked because it didn't really fit Wally's personality like is would Barry's. And Iris using herself and bait and also being the one to figure out what Girder was actually after was really great to see. Then the ending with Zoom gathering all these random meta-humans was fun to see and I can't wait to see what they will all be like. Overall this was a really great episode and I can't wait for the next one.   

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