Saturday, August 20, 2016

Once Upon a Time Season 5 Episode 20 "Firebird" Review

Hades turns to the heroes to ask for help with getting Zelena back from Rumplestiltskin and Peter Pan. In flashbacks, Emma searches for answers about her family and makes an unexpected friendship.

This was a really great episode that finally got them out of the underworld and told a bit more of Emma's backstory. I liked the team having Hades on their side helping to get Zelena back and finding a way for all of them to get out of the underworld. And now that Hades is out I'm curious to see what his plans might be, especially now with Zelena seeming to do a complete change in personality now that she knows she and Regina used to be friends. I also really like that they tied in the story of Orpheus and how he and his wife managed to escape the underworld because of the fact that I already knew a lot about that story. But it did bug me a bit with the parts that Hades left out some which were later explained why he left it out and other I think they forgot about. They did talk about how after  Orpheus and his wife escaped Hades cut down the tree, but they forgot about the part where Orpheus's wife basically became a zombie-like creature that eventually returned to the underworld because she couldn't go on living. And I don't know how they could have ever thought that was a good idea for Hook, but then again they didn't bring up that part. Then the moments between Rumple and Pan were okay and the only part I really enjoyed was the twist ending that finally got rid of Pan for good, so I'm happy about that. Then the flashback parts showing a younger Emma in her like early twenties was interesting but I also feel like some of the bigger topics in those moments were already talked about in a different way in past episodes. Overall I'm very happy that the team is back in Storybrook and I can't wait to see what might change. 

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