Sunday, August 14, 2016

Agents of SHIELD Season 3 Episode 19 "Failed Experiments" Review

As the threat of Hive looms, loyalties are put to the test and the team must come up with a decisive resolution.

This was a very interesting episode that took some turns that I was not expecting. I really like that this episode focused a bit more of Dasiy and seeing what Hive had planned and how all that worked out. The idea of taking someone who is not naturally inhuman and making them inhuman seems a bit weird to me, but Hive is not wrong because that is what happened to him and it kind of is what happened to Luna I believe with the mist. Actually bringing in some Kree into the mix I really loved seeing especially with them having their whole own agenda outside of the agendas of Hive and SHIELD. Of course, I'm really sad to see the end of Alisha in this episode because I really enjoyed her abilities and I kind of wish she could have been in the series more so I could have gotten to know her more. Then I was also not a big fan of Lincoln stupidity in this episode because I understand he is desperate to do anything that could help but what he ended up doing was just not smart at all. And now with the ending and what Simmons told him I'm wondering if he is okay or is something going to happen to him because she told him that the test failed. Overall this was a really interesting episode and I can't wait to see where they are going to take this storyline. 

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