Saturday, August 20, 2016

Arrow Season 4 Episode 19 "Canary Cry" Review

Oliver and the team struggle to come to terms with Laurel's death, especially Diggle who is overwhelmed with guilt for choosing to believe Andy had changed. Meanwhile, Lance refuses to believe his daughter is really gone and asks Nyssa to help bring her back. A recent Black Canary sighting in Star City only seems to prove his theory that Laurel isn't actually dead.

This was such a sad episode with all of the main characters having to come to the conclusion that Laurel is really gone. Diggle's whole quest to try and find Andy and get revenge for Laurel and tricking him was really kind of cool to see, with finally seeing Diggle finally being the one who needs emotional help and not the one offering it. I did like the line that Felicity said to him which went something like if he kept holding all this anger and guilt he'll become just like Oliver, I thought that was really funny. Then Lance trying to find any way to bring Laurel back was really sad with how desperate he was, but the ending was really sweet with his wife acting the same way and Lance telling her there is no way and really accepting that fact for himself. Having this other girl coming in dressed up as the Black Canary was a little weird in my mind with how quickly she managed to find an outfit and fix the cry device. But she was also really skilled fighter which was really cool to see and I kind of hope that she might join the team in the future. Overall this was a really great episode but it was also so sad. 

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