Tuesday, August 9, 2016

The Flash Season 2 Episode 17 "Flash Back" Review

After the shocking revelation of Zoom's real identity, Barry is more determined than ever to get back to Earth-2 to stop Zoom forever. Desperate to find a way to increase his speed, Barry decides to travel back in time and masquerade as his earlier self in order to get his arch-nemesis, Dr. Harrison Wells/Eobard Thawne, to teach him how to run faster. However, things do not go as planned and Barry is stunned to face familiar foe Hartley Rathaway, as well as old friend Eddie Thawne. Iris makes peace with her past in order to embrace her future

This was a really great episode that did a good job at showing the effects of time travel to some degree and also showed a bit of a reminder back to season one. I really liked having Barry needing to go back in time to look for help in order to better improve his speed just to have it backfire in his face. The whole turn when Eobard finally comes to the conclusion that Barry is not his Barry was a really great scene, where it completely changes Eobard if one thing would have gone wrong. Then the time wrath was also an interesting add-in to this episode that I hope we might see more of because Barry keeps seeming to find time travel as an easy solution for everything. And it was a fun little moment when Eobard thought for a short time that the Wrath was coming for him. Then I kind of wish that Eobard hadn't given Barry the solution to being faster for some reason. But I also understand the reason why the writers had him do so because it quickens up the pace of the story. Then the whole ending where past Barry and the team meet future Barry was really great with how easily Eobard managed to play off that hadn't known about it the whole time. Then I'm curious about how much the world has changed because of Barry reviling the time wrath to the past that hadn't been there before. Overall this was a really great episode that I'm very happy with how well it was organized.

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