Monday, August 29, 2016

Arrow Season 4 Episode 21 "Monument Point" Review

When Team Arrow learns what Damien Darhk’s next move is, Felicity realizes she needs to ask her father, Noah Kuttler, for help. Noah and Oliver have a heart to heart talk that leaves Oliver rattled.

This was a really great episode that ran pretty smoothly but there were some parts that felt a little long to me. I really did enjoy the idea of bringing Felicity’s father back into the mix with the idea that he is the only one smart enough to be able to stop the nuclear launches of all the nukes in the world. Then also having Darhk be well aware of this fact that Noah is the only one who can stop him so he has a bunch of hitmen sent after him. The fact that Felicity is getting kicked out of Palmer Tec felt a little weird to me with the timing of it all, but it did make for a really cool break in scene where team arrow has to steal some technology from Palmer Tec. When one of the nukes wasn’t stopped in time was also a little weird for the fact that it took Felicity forever to decide to move some satellites to trick the nuke into landing somewhere other then it’s designated location, because I feel if she had decided to do that sooner she could have landed it somewhere with a lot fewer people then where it eventually did fall. The first part where Malcolm coming and talking to Thea was nice because I kind of had forgotten about his plan to save Thea and that’s the reason she is down there and not just because of Alex.  All the parts with Thea and Anarky were really great especially their final little fighting scene. But it was a little weird with Thea finally exposing her identity to Lonnie because now unless something more permeate happened to Anarky I feel he is always going to be on Thea’s tail. It is also a little weird with how little the rest of the team seems to focus on the fact that Thea is missing because they did bring up needing to call her back into the loop but they don’t talk in any scenes after about how they are unable to reach her or anything like that. Overall I really enjoyed this episode and I can’t wait for the next one.

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