Monday, August 29, 2016

Once Upon a Time Season 5 Episode 21 "Last Rites" Review

Emma, David, Regina, Robin and Henry are finally back home in Storybrooke and reunited with Snow, but, unfortunately, they still have to contend with Hades, who continues to deceive Zelena as he lays out his plan to use the all-powerful Olympian Crystal to take over the town. The heroes desperately search for a way to defeat Hades while Hook does the same in the Underworld, looking for those missing storybook pages. Regina and Robin take a more direct approach, which culminates in an epic showdown that will leave our heroes forever changed.

This was a very interesting episode really all about Hades rise and fall of power, and really just about the team all getting readjusted back in Storybrooke. I really like that this episode primary focused on Hades and Zelena to help and show Zelena's change in opinion of Hades and really having her finally come to the conclusion on her own that no matter how hard she tries she really can not change Hades. It was also really cool to see the Olympian Crystal and here about what it could do because that is a magical artifact that I'm not all the familiar with so I'm curious if it is a real part of the Greek lore or if it is something that the writers made up to give Hades more power. Having Emma be in denial and her running around and not really listening to anyone I really didn't care for and after so much of it, I started to get a little annoyed. All the parts with Hook and Arthur in the underworld were really great especially with all the other characters commenting on how they are on a bro-venture together, which it really was. The change of making Arthur into the new ruler of the underworld felt a little weird to me, but it could easily be because I'm still so used to Arthur being a hero so this villain Arthur that this show has is still really different to me. The scene where Hook meets Zeus was fun and I like that they didn't make Zeus a really big mussel man like some other depictions of Zeus have been. The ending between Regina and Robin was really sad but I hope with how it ended for Zelena as well that this sadness that they both now share will help to bring them even closer. Overall I really enjoyed this episode and it had some great parts to it. 

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