Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Scorpion Season 2 Episode 21 "Twist and Shout" Review

Team Scorpion's mission to recover the remains of fallen Marines in Vietnam is threatened along with their lives when a deadly tornado heads directly towards them.

This was a very interesting episode that wasn't the newest of ideas but it still kind of felt unique. I really loved the whole plot of them in Vietnam and with every passing minute, they have to speed up their work even more with the massive storm coming there way quicker and quicker. The scene with Paige and Walter going to the old folks home to get a chip out of an ultrasound machine was one of my favorite scenes from this episode because it was planned out really well, and it was set up at first to seem like a very unimportant moment but then it changed to being the most important moment of the whole episode. Then the idea of removing the approaching tornado by cooling it down was done and organized in a really great way that it was made to seem pretty reasonable of an idea. All the scenes with Ralph and Sylvester were not that bad in this episode, even though I wished we could have seen a bit of Ralph's actual speech and not just hear the end results of it because then I could have learned to hate the teacher more. And with how this episode ended for Ralph I'm very curious what the next episode will bring.   

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