Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Agents of SHIELD Season 3 Episode 16 "Paradise Lost" Review

The team hunts for information on a new enemy; Malick’s secret from his past threatens to destroy his Hydra legacy.

This was a decent episode that focused a bit more on Malick then anybody else and finally showed a bit of the group minus Daisy. I really didn’t care at all for the whole back story of Malick and his brother and their dead cheating father. I would have rather gotten to know more about Malick’s daughter and how that part of his life came to be or more about the hydra spirit inside of Ward and more about them. Malick’s whole story seemed so boring and kind of pointless, it was just so bad in my mind. And the whole story added up to what? Malick became like his father or was there suppose to be some other point that I completely ignored. I liked seeing Lincoln and Daisy out together looking for this other inhuman to help them gain information, and how that all turned out was really fun. But how quickly Daisy changed her mind about Lincoln because of what she learned about how he used to be before he changed was kind of stupid. Because she easily agreed with him when he was talking about the emptiness he used to feel before he changed, and she has known since first meeting him that he can be a bit temperamental. So for her to change her opinion on him that quickly was just kind of like why? I did enjoy the ending with Daisy and Lincoln though where they were like well I guess it’s time to get the secret warriors. Overall this was a good episode but not the greatest of ones.

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