Saturday, August 27, 2016

Supergirl Season 1 Episode 11 "Strange Visitor from Another Planet" Review

Kara helps Hank face his painful past when a white martian, who wiped out all of the green martians from Mars, kidnaps Senator Miranda Crane who is an anti-alien politician. Adam Foster who is Cat's estranged son arrives in National City.

This was a very interesting episode that had some good parts to it. I did like that they addressed what went down between Winn and Kara in the last episode and showed all the awkwardness in this episode because of it. Bringing in another person who is very anti-alien was very interesting with all the stuff that went down around her but I kind of wish that I could have heard a bit more of her platform and why she is so opposed to aliens. Because it seemed like right when she was getting into talking and I was getting what she was saying that is when the white martian strikes so I didn't get to hear too much. And I was wondering what the white martian did with the senator because it seemed like Kara was right on her tail and yet the white martian had enough time to hide the senator and change form just that timing seemed a little off to me. And also all the parts where the white martian didn't know who the green martian was also weird because there were many scenes where it seemed like the white martian figured out it was Hank and then in the next scene she was still asking for the white martian's identity. Then all the scenes with Adam and Cat were really great with that fact that the two didn't instantly get along, and even just in this first episode of him being there I really liked him as a character. The ending where Adam asks Kara out on a date was really funny and I can't wait to see what that might do to Winn. Then the ending was interesting and I feel like it is because of Maxwell and if that is true I wish they would have shown more of him in this episode and not just show this surprise at the end. Overall I really liked this episode and I can't wait for the next one. 

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