Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Supergirl Season 1 Episode 5 "How Does She Do It?" Review

Kara must protect National City from a series of bombings and babysit Cat's son, while James is visited by Lucy Lane.

This was a very fun and great episode, that surprisingly for all the chaos this episode was supposed to show it actually did a good job at splitting between Kara and Supergirl. The whole plot with Kara babysitting was done really well, and I really loved the kid and I hope he comes back for future episodes. The idea of having Cat's son be obsessed with Supergirl was also a really great and fun tie in to mix everything together. I also really liked the part where they are playing video games on Cat's giant TV screens, but I feel like that would be really hard to do with all the cut offs. I wonder how it was organized that when Cat's gone James is in change because I thought he was just the photographer, so how did that all work out to put him in charge. I really kind of want to see more of how the office works without Cat there because that seemed like a plot that wasn't really shown all that much. I did really like the tie in where the reason Cat is gone is that she won an award and finally beat out Lois Lane in doing so. The big revile of who the big bad villain is was not too surprising to me because I had a feeling about it from when we first met him at the end of the first episode. How he went about doing him pain though is really clever with playing the victim, but also really sad with how he got the other guy to take the fall for him. I really want to find out more about Henshaw because I am completely lost of what he is. Overall I really loved this episode and it was done really well.     

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