Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Supergirl Season 1 Episode 8 "Hostile Takeover" Review

Supergirl fights against her aunt and learns some heartbreaking news about her mom, while Catco is dealing with a hacker.

This was a really great episode that really got back into the main story of this season. With a whole chunk of this episode being about the relationship between Kara and her aunt. I really liked the whole training to fight scene with Alex as well as the actual fight scene between Kara and her aunt, even though I knew right away that Karas aunt gave up way to quickly and wasn't actually fighting Kara. Because if she was then she still probably would have destroyed Kara pretty quickly. Then the whole moment where the possible truth came out that Kara's mother might have not been the women Kara though she was, was really great especially when Kara is try to get information out of the computer version only to end up breaking down. Then the line later on where Kara basically references how her mother did the same thing to her aunt that she did to Kara where she sent them away when they got in the way, I absolutely loved. Then all the moments where the main group is looking through all of Cat's e-mails to try and find anything that might incriminate her was really great with all the terrible things that they find about her. Then the moment when Cat first ask Kara to get a group together to help her go through all the e-mails was really great because at first it seemed like she was leaving it up to Kara and then just to make sure Cat added make sure it's James and that weird computer guy, like Kara wasn't already going to pick them. Then later in the episode that same kind of moment happened again and I loved that one two where Winn had a chip to go hack someoneelses computer and he is like someone needs to go and put this chip on Armstrong's computer, but it's going to be Jame's. Then the whole ending fight scene was really cool and I can't wait to see how that all turns out. Overall I really liked this episode and hopefully we will see a better growing realtionship between Kara and Winn after how this episode ended as well.         

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