Friday, August 26, 2016

Agents of SHIELD Season 3 Episode 20 "Emancipation" Review

In the aftermath of the events of Captain America: Civil War, S.H.I.E.L.D feels pressure to reveal their involvement with Inhumans. But with the stakes higher than ever and Hive growing stronger, the team is tested in ways they could never anticipate.

This was a really great and interesting episode that was really all about getting Daisy back. I did really like all the moments were Daisy is trying to hack into SHIELD and Fitz is doing everything he can to keep her out by basically rebooting the computers every few hours and adding more firewalls. The idea of Hive being fully willing to just kill off Daisy in order to get the amount of blood he needs to be able to make the Inhuman virus seems a little out of place to because of how much he seemed to enjoy Daisy's company. I also really liked that in these episodes since Fitz and Simmions have admitted there feelings for each other the show has shown their relationship growing but has not been shoving their relationship in our faces like some other shows might do. All the scenes with Talbot finding out all of what SHIELD has been up to was really fun with how he reacted to everything. Then Lincoln's whole breakout scene was interesting with how smoothly it all went down, but once the twist ending was revealed it made a bit more sense. Throwing Lash back into the fight was so great with how it was done, even though it was a bit of a risk because if he became under Hive's control they would have to deal with him as well again. Overall this episode had a lot of great moments and was a very entertaining watch.

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