Friday, October 30, 2015

Supergirl "Pilot" Review

After keeping her powers a secret for 12 years, Kara Zor-El, Superman's cousin, decides to embrace her abilities and be a hero.

I am really happy because was really great. I was worried by the trailer that they would chick flick the heck out of this show and take away the fun of a superhero show for drama and love but they didn't do that. This really reminded me a bit of the first Tobey Maguire Spider-man movie with the funny awkwardness to it. It seems like if it can keep up with the story plot they seem to be setting up for and not try and girlify the show to much this can be a pretty great show. I love the final fight scene where she uses her heat vision. I also like the invention the bad guy have that makes a radio frequency that only aliens can her that seems like a really clever idea of a thing. Over all I really enjoyed this first episode and I hope the rest hold up because I think I'm really going to enjoy this show.

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