Friday, October 16, 2015

Minority Report Season 1 Episode 4 "Fredi" Review

Dash goes undercover to apprehend a woman suspected of holding a grudge against the people who killed her sister; Agatha's plan is set in motion.

Agatha is still a major bad-ass in this episode with her powers being able to help her get people to do what she wants. I like that they gave Dash a girl but I don't really care for her. Not because she is a criminal and a little crazy but just something else about her I didn't care for as a character and I really kind of hope that Fredi doesn't come back. The tissue replicator that they used in this episode seems also like magic to me because how could it possibly make a perfect replica of his eye for just a little bit of his saliva. I really enjoyed this episode and can't wait to see more.

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