Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Once Upon A Time Season 5 Episode 5 "Dreamcatcher" Review

Henry asks Violet out; those searching for Gold break into Emma's house, where they find a glimpse of Emma's end game; Merida tackles her mission.

This was a really great episode with a lot of what I feel is the main plot for this half of the season coming to life. I loved all the scenes with Merida and Gold and just how well Merida had had helped to teach Gold how to be brave. The idea with dream catchers having dark magic that can make you look into the past memories of someone as well as take away the memories of someone I thought was a really cool idea on the image dream catchers have. The time of Once Upon A Time also confuses me because it is supposed to be in like modern dates but when asked how old Henry was he said 13 and when the show started he said 10 so has it really been only three years in there time. That just doesn't seem correct to me. I also want to know how Merlin lost that made him brake down before being turned into a tree. Over all I really enjoyed this episode and I can't wait to see more of Merlin.

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