Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Scorpion Season 2 Episode 6 "Tech, Drugs, and Rock 'n Roll" Review

A nefarious virus is uploaded to Walter's computer, turning the team's new "smart" building project into a death trap with people locked inside.

This was defiantly a great episode that I really did enjoy. I love the hacked in building locking all of them in was a really nice new idea that was fun to watch. I like how easily Sylvester was able to ignore all his fears to help out some kids. But I don't feel those sun panels would have held Sylvester as easy as they put out there especially the last one at the force he was falling he would have crashed right through it. The writers did do a good job at making Walter really annoying because I really didn't care for him in this episode. I had no idea who the hacker was until later in the episode they brought up the fact that the hacker is standing near by so that he could easily reenter the system after that I knew who it was. Over all this is another episode I can add to the favorites.

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