Saturday, October 3, 2015

Heroes Reborn Season 1 Episode 3 "Under the Mask" Review

Erica reveals how far she will go to protect the world from Evos; Tommy shares his ability with Emily; Noah and Quentin continue their quest for the truth; and invisible guides Malina.

This was a very good episode with one of my favorite characters Miko seeming to be the center character. In this episode they did reveal that Miko's sward is in fact Hero's swards so I'm exited to see how that intermixes. Noah's whole story is still very confusing because it's still pretty much up in the air on how Claire "died," but it was also funny with all the scenes of him and Quentin running around together. I'm very curious to see what happened to Luke because he seemed to have the radiation explodey power that caused a lot of problems in the original Heroes. I am also wondering who the invisible women is that is helping Malina out and just what are Malina's powers because it's not very clear in my mind right now. over all this was a very great and exiting episode and I really want to see what happens next. 

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