Friday, October 2, 2015

Minority Report Season 1 Episode 2 "Mr. Nice Guy" Review

Dash and Vega combine their efforts to track down a killer who is in a state of heartbreak. Dash also continues to try and get in touch with his siblings.

This was a very good episode that I really loved. All the twists and turns of trying to find the killer in this episode really worked into the characters heads that they really got to look at every image that is shown when Dash has a vision. I really loved the scene where Dash is trying to flirt with/ insult the victim to try and get her to leave the club, and it's just funny how awkward Dash can be. Because he doesn't know how to communicate very well with other people. And I liked the scene in the beginning where he beats like five different people at chess. The speed of the episode was very good at keeping my attention and so far I continue to really like this show. And now with the ending where we got to see the vision that Dash's sister Agatha has that makes her so afraid of Lara I'm very exited to see what will happen in this season.

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