Friday, October 9, 2015

Code Black Season 1 Episode 2 "We Plug Holes" Review

Christa saves a woman's life and then pleads with Neal to perform a surgery that will save the patient's reproductive future.

Another really good episode and so far the show is keeping up with the pace I want for it. This episode an even more chaotic amount of patients and problems. Angus is starting to bug me because he is such a worry wort about being wrong things always seem to go wrong for him because he second guesses his instincts. I feel so bad for the hockey player because he pretty much has to start over his life. And I love the connection to the title in this episode and how much that plays into what they do. As well as the ending lesson that you should always trust you instincts because they are your best friend and hint to whether or not you should be working there. over all this was a really great episode. 

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