Saturday, October 10, 2015

Heroes Reborn Season 1 Episode 4 "The Needs of Many" Review

Noah searches for answers; Miko travels the world in hopes of finding her sword; Tommy must use his ability to save a life; Luke faces surprising obstacles in his relationship with Joanne. 

This was another very great episode, but with a really big mess of jumping around to every person a lot. Miko is now in America outside of the Renautas head quarters where she is about to break in and get her sword back. Malina is starting her journey south and try and save the world. And her powers I'm still really confused on, I'm guessing she has the powers of light to kind of compete against Phoebe. I feel so bad for Noah and Molly in this episode and how it ends with one more of the original cast dead. This episode is also really sad for Luke too, and will just have to wait and see where his journey ends up. I'm wondering if Quentin actually ever found Phoebe because he said her name and ran away from Noah and Molly but they never actually showed him with her. Plus if he didn't then the ending would make more since then some one else have the darkness powers. But if so then why did they keep that line in there, I'm just confused. Over all this was a great episode and I'm exited to see more. 

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