Thursday, October 15, 2015

The Flash "Flash of Two Worlds" Review

A mysterious man has a warning about an evil speedster intent on destroying The Flash; a determined officer wants to join Joe's meta-human task force.

This was a really great episode with the different worlds Flash's. I really loved the character of the Sand Demon his power where really cool and well done at the work of showing those powers. I hope that Jay sticks around for a while because I'm really liking him right now. And I want him to find a way to get his powers back so him and Barry can tag team with even more strength. I'm happy that Jay is there to help Barry continue to improve his powers.I'm really interested to see how this other world's Dr.Wells plays into the story. Because before the season began when the creator brought up  that there bringing in Zoom they said it wasn't Well's and technically he's now there Wells. Over all this was a great episode and I'm really happy with it.

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