Monday, October 19, 2015

Once Upon A Time Season 5 Episode 4 "The Broken Kingdom" Review

Mary Margaret is unable to convince David that Arthur could be dangerous and decides to takes matters into her own hands; Hook's love gives Emma hope.

I did enjoy that fact that this episode took place only in Camelot and sort of telling the story of how Camelot came to be. Which the sand that they use can do most anything it seems so I'm wondering how that's all going to work out. And a team up that's to come with Lancelot and Merida sounds so amazing and I can't wait to see it. There were a lot of really cute moments that I really did enjoy like Emma and Hook's horse ride. Arthur truly is evil do to his obsession and I'm wondering what will happen to him once that obsession is complete because then inside he'll have nothing. Over all I really enjoyed this episode and can't wait for what's next. 

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