Sunday, October 25, 2015

Code Black Season 1 Episode 4 "Sometimes It's a Zebra" Review

Guthrie's estranged son joins Angels Memorial staff and clashes with Leanne; Christa loses her confidence during a procedure on an infant.

This was a really great and really amazing episode full of drama. The timing between each of the patients was really well organized. And there was a lot of twists and turns for what the actual problem was for each of the patients, because it's not what they first thought. There was some funny moments in this episode but it was definitely more of a dramatic episode. The burn victims with the baby I don't think I would have guessed what was actually going on in a million year. I really hope that after this episode Mario starts to lighten up a bit because he defiantly did feel what it was like being alone in this episode. Over all I really enjoyed this episode and this is defiantly still a top favorite show for this fall season.

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