Sunday, November 20, 2016

The Librarians Season 3 Episode 1 "And the Rise of Chaos" Review

The Egyptian God of Chaos inhabits a human, and tries to release pure evil into the world; the librarians must decipher clues in a science museum.

This was a really interesting and kind of cool episode that I really loved. Now I have said time and time again that I really loved this series, and this episode just adds more to that love. I really enjoyed the whole Egyptian theme to the episode with all the clues going back to things in Egyptian history. But the fact that some of the things also stayed relevant to some other sciences I thought was kind of cool. Then the fact that this episode managed to have a point where each of them got to use their abilities to some extent I though they did those transitions very smoothly. There were some moments that were really fun but kind of not all the necessary like the moment when there learning about things that could inhabit other things and they do it while sitting around a campfire.All the moments where the speed of the mission took place was really well done at making the necessary moment have an impact, but also making things not drag on for too long. The God of Chaos was pretty cool with how they choose to portray him, and his abilities to make people go into chaos with just a pulse of dark magic I think was a cool idea. But the fact that the pulse had a limited range to it I thought was a bit weird.  I did like that they quick;y found a way to fight back against chaos by using teamwork, that was a super funny and dorky way to fix things and I enjoyed it. Then the whole premise that they original librarians first found this key to lock up all the evil and they were the ones to lock it away that was cool. But the fact that the key was beneath this random museum and the fact that the key and the lock were left so close together that just seems really odd and doesn't make any reasonable sense to me. If anything the original librarians should have known this is a very powerful and important item so hey maybe they should put it in the library. But overall I really enjoyed this episode and I can't wait to see what the rest of the season will bring.       

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