Wednesday, November 23, 2016

The Flash Season 3 Episode 7 "Killer Frost" Review

The team is in for a shock, as Caitlyn is forced to reveal her Killer Frost powers. But she is not the only one with a secret.

This was a really great and interesting episode that did such a great job with Killer Frost. I loved so much how they showed off so many of Killer Frost's abilities and them doing everything from her forming icicles and giving people frost bite to showing her iconic kiss that freezes people to death. It was a little weird how she seemed to change in a way that was almost like a light switch going off. But I did have a feeling something was up in the scene were she goes and gets Joe from the police station saying there is something wrong with Wally something just felt really off there. The whole fight scene between Vibe and Killer Frost was really well done, I wish they could have done a bit more but it was still really fun to see them going after each other with Barry being there for a part of it but still it was mostly about the two of them. It was a little weird how Caitlyn seemed to turn off Killer Frost simply because Barry shows her that she is not all that bad and there is still good inside of her. Then the scene where Joe freaks out because of what happened to Caitlyn so her breaks Wally out of the cocoon early was a really cool moment with how they chose to show I with having it be a worried parent looking out for there kid and then have a switch to regret after something goes wrong. then the twist ending of who Alchemy actually is I can honestly say I was not expecting that at all and I loved it so much. And just overall I really enjoyed this episode and it had so many great moments to it.  

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