Sunday, November 13, 2016

Once Upon a Time Season 6 Episode 8 "I'll Be Your Mirror" Review

Emma and Regina work together and form a plan to trap the Evil Queen, while Snow White and David get used to life without each other. Henry anxiously prepares to take Violet to the school dance, but the Evil Queen has other plans. Meanwhile, Zelena and Belle form an alliance and recruit Aladdin to steal a magical object from Mr. Gold that could protect Belle and her unborn child from him forever.

This was a really interesting and great episode that was really entertaining to watch. I loved seeing the land of mirrors and that fact that they were willing to harken back at least in one moment to when Sidney used to live in this world. Then it was made even better by the fact that they brought the Dragon back into the mix which was really cool to see but I wish they would have done a bit more with him. The Evil Queen's whole plan to get Henry to understand her more seemed a little far fetch that she thought she could make Henry hurt anybody no matter who's life is at stake. I do want to know a bit more about the hammer she gave to Henry because I'm not all that familiar with it and I didn't quite catch the name of it. Then how does the Evil Queen expect Henry to accept her when in the event he doesn't do what she asks she calls him weak, that is not how you gain trust lady. The parts with Snow and David were nice to see but not all that exciting because it basically went down the way I was expecting it to go. Then all the scenes with Belle were really great in seeing her work through this elaborate plan to try and get away from Gold. I like the scene with Aladdin where we finally get to see him be his self and break into Gold's shop to retrieve some items. I really can't wait to see what they'll do with the genie even though it is supposedly a different genie from the original one. Then I also liked seeing a bit more self-absorbed Jasmine in this episode where at first all she cared about was her own mission to find Agrabah. Overall I really enjoyed this episode and it ended with so many doors left open I can't wait to see what will happen when it comes back in a few weeks.      

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