Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Scorpion Season 3 Episode 6 "Bat Poop Crazy" Review

Team Scorpion explores a deep cave system in an effort to prevent a bat population from harming the North American ecosystem; the team dons Halloween costumes for Walter's impending immigration inspection.

This is a really great and kinda funny episode that I really enjoyed watching. I really enjoyed the  whole Holloween theme around this episode both with the team getting ready for just Halloween in general as well as trying to prove that Happy and Walter are a couple by having them celebrate a holiday together. It was a little weird at the beginning where the team going farther and farther into the cave looking for the zoologist even though they knew that the zoologists would have met up with them already they just kept going. That house a really liked all the moment where they make references to different horror movies that Sylvester knows and you kinda get to see his reaction because of that. I especially like the reference to The Birds and Sylvester makes a comment that he originally washed it because he thought it was a movie on ornithology, that was a really funny moment to me. Then I also really enjoyed all the moments with Toby and the guy who had rabies and hope he does hatching the deal with all hallucination and then having them actually find the right rabies shot for the that was just a lot of really funny moments and great lines within that scene. Then I really liked all the scenes with Happy and her having the take care Ralph and just watching some of her maternal instincts start to kick in as one thing starts to go wrong after another with Ralph and all the sugar that he's eaten. Although scenes had a lot of really funny moments to them to that I absolutely enjoyed watching. Overall this was a really great episode that had so many funny moments to it that I really enjoyed.

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