Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Supergirl Season 2 Episode 7 "The Darkest Place" Review

Supergirl comes face-to-face with Cyborg Superman when she attempts to save Mon-El from Cadmus.

This was a really fun and interesting episode that really brought Cadmus to the forefront. I did really like all the stuff surrounding the Guardian, but I wish there could have been a bit more good shown before things went really bad for him. The whole murderer going around killing people but making it look like vigilante justice was a cool idea but the way they chose to execute it fell a little flat in my mind. I also wish they could have done a bit more with the Guardian before starting to loop everyone else in to the truth, because it was kind of fun having Alex and Kara making fun of the Guardian and James and Winn sitting there trying to defend him, but now it is kind of down to just Kara who doesn't know. All the things a Cadmus was very interesting because I really liked seeing Cyborg Superman to an extent because he was really cool but also a bit to over done for my taste. Then adding yet another L.L. name to the list that I have to try and keep in order when it comes to the Luther mother is just a small annoyance that bugged me just slightly. It was cool that Cadmus managed to show more of Mon-El's powers then the DEO has in the past few episode where they showed that Mon-El is allergic to Lead and things like that. I did like that they brought Jeremiah into the mix to help Kara and Mon-El escape it was a nice moment to see him say that he is proud of Kara and Alex and just show that he is still the same guy. Then Jon J'onzz whole story I had a feeling that something was going to happen with the blood change between a green and white Martian and most of my theories about it were correct. I do have to say overall I really enjoyed this episode and I can't wait for the next one which is the big super hero team up episode.

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