Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Supergirl Season 2 Episode 6 "Changing" Review

The Guardian arrives to lend a hand when an alien parasite drains Supergirl of her power. Mon-El contemplates his motives when he considers a new career. Alex faces a new reality.

This was an interesting episode that had some parts I really liked and some things I didn't care much for. The parts with Alex working though her new realizations about her life and gaining the confidence to tell Kara I thought it was really well done in how they decided to show everything. But it was a little overdone in how quickly Alex seemed to jump back and forth on her opinions when things didn't go right for her. But that could easily be because I never really had to go through the whole deal of coming out because I come from a family people who respect everyone to live their lives the way they want to. So maybe this is a little bit of a normal thing, but it just felt a little odd to me. Then the training scene between Mon-El and Kara was really funny to see the two of them interacting with each other. The main villain in this episode was a really interesting creature that was very much like the Thing at first but grew into an even weird creature as it got stronger. Then it's whole plan to save the Earth from global warming was such a goofy concept in my mind. I was really cool to see Mon-El and James stepping up to be heroes when Supergirl couldn't be there. And seeing James in the whole Guardian suit was really fun I especially like it for the fact that Winn made it out of lead so that Kara could see him with her x-ray vision. Then I wonder if there is going to be a difference in the blood between a white martian and green martian or if it is just more of a moral thing that was making Miss Martian hesitant to give him her blood. Then I can't wait to see what will happen when Hank figures out the truth about Miss Martian. Overall I really enjoyed this episode and I can't wait for the next one. 

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